Hold Tight Newfoundlanders

Day 1,609, 17:28 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

Fellow Newfoundlanders...all is not lost.

After watching the redcoats and wave upon wave of foreign ONE soldiers roll across our fine lands, I'm here to allay your fears. Newfoundland and Quebec will soon be returned to the eCanadian fold.

I understand that however brief the occupation was, the return to eCanadian dominion does not necessarily quench the thirst for revenge. I ask you all to display some restraint in your dealings with our occupiers. While I'm sure our occupiers did not feel complete remorse for the game auto-attacking our region, Talon has assured us he does not wish to pursue any aggression toward eCanada....at this time. I find Talon and his executive crew to be honourable in their intentions and am willing to take them at their word....at this time.

My fellow eCanadians....we must also give thanks to President Artela and the eUS community for coming to our aid. We owe them a debt of gratitude and I pledge to show them how much we continue to appreciate their friendship (more on this later).

For now, let us reclaim our lands and rejoice with a hearty swig from our jugs of screech!

I'll be dere d'rackly!