Hello Belgium ^^

Day 2,779, 10:10 Published in Belgium Japan by H E X

Hello dear Belgium!

My name is HEX, I started this game a bit more than a year ago. I was really active during this time, but recently I've become more busy in real life. Becasue of that and becasue I want some climate change to spend some more calm time on eRepublik I decided to visit an other country.

Well, not completely as I don't want to change my citizenship, but I'd like to join your community, and already applied for membership at Olympus Belgicae (not that I have any problem with the other MUs though 😛), hopefully they, and all of you will accept me. 😁 But of course it'd be reasonable if a non-Belgian didn't get a MU membership, but let's hope. 😛

Becasue of my different citizenship I won't be able to be in your media too much, but you won't lose anything since I'm not good at writing articles. 🙂 However, I just thought the proper thing is to introduce myself if I want to be part of your community.

As I said I'm busy IRL, but if you need me I can always help you if it won't require to spend a lot of time here. 😃 I'm a former commander, party president and had several political titles too, so I have some basic experience, feel free to contact me anytime. 🙂

I hope I'll be able to be part of your community.

Best regards,