Haters gonna hate

Day 3,156, 09:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr.Razor

Hello my friends

That's almost two months iv returned to the game.

I used to be active and write articles everyday but some guy started trolling me in my articles that are known guys.

"yesterday,i post something and I received 1 FP then i decide to write an article, i did and after minutes i received second FP"

This is how ESO begins...

People might say something in shouts that wouldn't of get reported if there wasn't some [ESO] guys in your friendlist that they seek something in your words to report it becareful specially new players.

And this is how ESO rules the eUK, they report other players to ban em and push forward their party, well done !

I received 2FP ain't even mad !

"In the further they will help to ban most of eUK players"

What a helpful party for eUK
They ain't educating new players "I didn't recevied any tip from them or seen any helpful article published by em"
They just keep spamming our media with ESO....
They frustrate new players as I'm one and soon not only!
And you choose to trust or don't trust

But you can't trust em because they will report you on your back, Inevitably all ESO members unfriended 🙂

But there are also positive people to trust as friends

These are ppl that used to be so friendly and helpful to me like Paultyndale, madelina melrose, tinman ,prince harry, popovic, cluff and sir humphrey.

Special thanks to NHS and Jon Snow's Legion.

Thanks for reading and thanks to all my friends for supporting me and teaching me.

Day, 3,153
