Has the General Election Bankrupt Sambo?

Day 2,733, 01:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

Ladies, Gentleman and Zionists our new real life government has now been in power for a week and has continued eUK mongress tradition of chatting about a ton of bills but not actually getting much done. Now for Sambo the election brought about the end of his local MP, George G******* reign of terror, which at times felt like the reign of terror Georgie's BFF Saddam Hussein carried out in Iraq for 24 years. Now though things could end badly for Sambo because according to G******* it is illegal to take part in the democratic process if you don't vote for the person G******* wants you to vote for.

Here is a small cutting from a local newspaper explaining the situation:

I'd like to take a moment to release a statement on behalf of Sambo, it reads as follows:

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The most unwise Sambo