Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

Day 689, 14:55 Published in Canada USA by scrabman
Orders from the MO😨 war games and battle plans.

Enjoy turkey and family togetherness this weekend and take a little break ... go on ... you deserve it. Just don't forget to try to work so you don't lose that 5 gold for the hard worker medal. I'm certainly going to be logging in tomorrow for my 360th consecutive day of work and my 12th hard worker medal!

That 5 gold for making levels or gaining a hard worker medal is essential to the national economy as well as to your economy. Save it, buy an OR, invest in a house, but think carefully about how to spend that scratch. With savings and proper planning you could even start your own business or start one with a friend. The most important thing to remember is to never start a business (or buy one) without doing your research to make sure that you're starting it in a region that is conducive to the type of industry you want to run and make sure you have enough start-up capital so that you don't run low on funds while trying to make it to payday. Further, owning your company through an OR will allow you to work for yourself saving you money (if you can afford it) or you can work for someone else to help fund your operations.

While the nation is enjoying turkey and family this coming Monday I'll be benefiting from a day off due to the U.S. holiday of Columbus Day and wishing that I had the fine turkey that you will be eating. Goran Thrax, the Director of the Department of Justice, has asked me to fill in for him in addition to my role as the Minister of Justice during his absence this weekend. Likewise, I will have Goran Thrax to fill in for me as Minister of Justice when my Thanksgiving comes up the third weekend of November (assuming I still have this job).

Take care and have a safe and fun weekend!