Goodbye Netherlands

Day 1,874, 13:32 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau
Every great star must have his exit, I guess its time for mine

Well its time for me to follow in my predecessors footsteps and take my leave. Where should I go, Canada, Norway? Who knows. I guess everybody reaches that point where they decide its just time to move on with their lives and political careers. My time here was fun and exciting. I want to thank all of you who made this experience what it was, wether it was for good or bad reasons it still made my experience here my experience.

OK I can't keep this up anymore Im not going anywhere Im staying put! Sorry to everyone who wished it were so but its going to take more than that to get rid of me! Im sorry but I have to break the streak. I firstly want to thank everyone who helped on my campaign and the people who helped me develop programs, wrote articles and interviews and gave me advice. Of course there are many more than this but these three helped me more than words can say. I also want to thank everyone who was willing to work with me in the government if I would have won.


I want to offer Kim my heartfelt congratulations. She fought a very hard campaign and is truly deserving. What some people don't know about Kim is that her and I actually get along and talk almost everyday. I know that she has some good plans coming for the Netherlands so I would like to ask all of GPN and everyone else who voted for me to put your faith in her like you did in me for this month so that we can move forward as a nation.

So what's in store for me now? Well I will have a new position as of tomorrow which will be announced and updated to the government list. As well I will take this time to help focus on growing GPN and help to raise our young members into the promising politicians and solders that they are. And now I can hopefully go back to some fun articles with contests and prizes for our Dutch babies now that the elections are over. It is going to be very different for me to be in the opposition as I never have been here in the Netherlands but I will not take up my duties lightly. Kim has won but by a margin of just two votes which means this country has never been more divided then it is now. I promise to represent everyone who voted for me and as the official opposition to hold this government accountable to the citizens of the Netherlands. I will help ensure that Congress operates in a respectful and transparent matter under the new government.

Like they always say, if at first you don't succeed try and try again.

And thats how the cookie crumbles.

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau