Glover - Oh no not another one

Day 672, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

My Manifesto- please ask any questions

Hello I am James Glover. It’s almost time to vote for your local representative for congress again. Don’t forget the 25th.
I am happy to announce I shall be running for election in the North West for The Unity Party.
Please remember to vote accordingly by reading all of the manifestos and getting the right candidate for the job (ME!!) 😉

James Glover
I am an active player helping our country in current wars around the world I am a general rank so have lots of experience. I have been active on the forums and earned my place to run in the North West.
I am a proud TUP member for a long time, since coming back from a current wars around the eworld.

Why vote Glover?
I am not an new player and thought it was about time that I got my act together and started to become more active in my home country, I would like to express your views in the House of Commons and get the UK to become a stronger nation economically and military. We live in interesting times though and as events have unfolded it has become very obvious to me that the month ahead will be very decisive for the future of the eUK.
The House of Commons requires experienced players with a solid understanding of the game. I believe I am one of these people and I am not from the House of Lords so am not trying to just gain an extra seat. I will keep the interests of the nation before all others by insuring that we maintain good diplomatic relations with all of our neighbours and our allies.

I would also like to ask anyone with questions for me to contact me via in game messages, the forums. I am open to both critique and suggestions. Together, I am sure we can ensure that the eUK and the North West fulfils its full potential.

A vote for me is a vote for a stronger Britain through the TUP

James Glover