Gif reakcije IV deo / Gif reactions IV part / HOT GIRLS!

Day 2,716, 06:38 Published in Japan Serbia by Imperator.mj

1.Plato pravi nove pack-ove...
- Plato making new packs...

2.Kada admini kazu da daju sve od sebe da poprave ekonomiju u igri
- When admins working hard to repair the economy

3.Kada u toku epske bitke pocnu da bacaju bombe i rakete sa obe strane
- When there's epic battle and when they start to throw bombs and rockets on both sides

4.Kada si 100% siguran da ces skinuti slabijeg igraca od sebe, ali on u poslednjoj sekundi baci veliku bombu
-When you are 100% sure, that you'll stole BH from the weaker player, but at the last second he throw a big bomb

5.Kada odes u skolu potpuno nespreman zbog epik bitaka/x10 BH medalja
- When you go to school totally unprepared, because of epic battles/x10 BH medals

6.Kada 3 igraca pokusaju da podele 1q1 hleb
- When 3 players trying to share 1q1 food

7.Kada ti je stalno u mislima BH medalja koja ti je skinuta u poslednjoj sekundi
- When you constantly thinking about BH medals, stolen in the last second

8.Kada dobijes prvu dekoraciju na profilu
- When you get your first decoration on your profile

9.Kada si vojnoj jedinici punu Titana, a ti novi igrac
- When you are in the MU full of Titans, and you're new player

10.Plato sa parama VISA igraca
- Plato with money of VISA players

11.Kada kuliras ceo dan, zato sto su ti banovali nalog
- When you are chilling all day, because your account is banned

Nadam se da ste uzivali! 🙂
I hope you enjoyed! 🙂

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