Getting rid of the Dutchtatorship

Day 3,413, 12:19 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Redi Jodikku

Goedenavond my beloved dutchies,

As you may recall from my previous article and the latest updates section, some important changes are being introduced in the game regarding the dictatorship. With the fee they have introduced to keep the dictator in place it has become too expensive to be rational to have a dictator.

That is why the government has decided to get rid of it before the 31st of this month. The first option we had was to empty the treasury and then Plato would get rid of the dictator since we would not be able to pay the fee. This option has always been available but we have found a faster and easier way.

A foreign friend of us, Girona F.C. , is starting the coup to free us. He is carrying with the cost of starting it so the government has not spend a dime on it. We have asked most of dutch citizens before contacting foreigners, but we could not find anyone with the means and the willingness to do it, so we are very pleased that Girona F.C. is doing it for us.

We are very thankful to him and therefore we ask you all to help the revolution succeed for the reasons stated above.