Future Articles; Wanted: Columnists

Day 2,232, 02:41 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear readers,

In this article I am going to present you my plan for my future articles. I am also seeking a few persons that want to write a column every month, if you are interested there is more information on the end of this article.

Uncertain Date

We will publish an article when something major has happened (like an airstrike)

Every End of the Month

Every Month we will publish an article existing of 3 columns, the columns are written by: 2 people that aren't member of the Government and one person that is member of the government. The columnists will write their own visions about the actions of the previous government.

Every Upcoming Election

Congress Elections: We will publish 2 columns; one is written by a top 5 party member and the other is written by a non-top 5 party member.

Presidential Elections: We will interview the candidates for the Presidential Elections.

Every Ending Election

Presidential Elections; We will have an interview with the (new) Country President about the results of the Elections.

Congress Elections; We will interview all the Party Presidents about the results.

We are searching Columnists!

We are using 5 columnists;
- 3 columnists for every end of the month (NoTie112, ?, Member of Government)
- 2 Columnists for every upcoming Congress Elections (?,?)

As you can see we are still searching 3 more columnists. So what is a columnist?
Well, a columnist is somebody that is writing a little piece about a certain subject in a newspaper. You only need to write a column every end of the month or with every upcoming Congressional Elections. It's just a little piece of text with your vision. It is not much work!

So are you interested? PM me!

Well that was it for today guys, I hope it is all clear to you; If you have any questions about this PM me! As always please vote and subscribe!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror