Free Belgium!

Day 3,084, 20:04 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

The media eBE is quiet. While there are some good articles, you are exposed to mindless oppositional rhetoric which pollutes and soils the intelligence of any rational and thinking person. While they use the term freedom and democracy without context and basic definition of the term. For the opposition are aware the perceived saliency of the terms not of their true essence. It is like appreciating Marxist without any context, links, and appreciating to Adam Smith and David Ricardo (Oh they did that too). All cheap shots aside, this article will explore the concepts of freedom and democracy.

What is Freedom

The concept of freedom can be viewed from an Indian term called Swaraj. If we break up the worl😛

 Raj- To rule
 Swa- One's own

So we can view freedom as to rule one's self. There are two overall ways to look at Swaraj in which they both complement each other. The first form is Personal Swaraj which states freedom from ignorance (both of oneself and of the world, illusion, delusions, and fear. One can achieve this kind of Swaraj via religion or pure logic (philosophy). The goal is to be free from the vices and temptation of materialistic lusting and craving. Knowledge is key and the truth (wisdom) will set you free. The second form is called Political Swaraj which is to rule over ones land, property. In essence, Political Swaraj are rights and liberties we are more accustomed as freedom. However, it can be argued without enlightenment, wisdom, and logic as per the Personal Swaraj, we cannot have any real and lasting Polical Swaraj.

Free Belgium!

This is true in eBE. Despite the rhetoric of the opposition who posits the eBE community as corrupted and power hungry, it is them who are stuck in ignorance and un-enlightenment. For they lack the knowledge of freedom and democracy as they lust for both power and treasure. For true democracy requires the following:

 All parties and members respect the rules and results of elections.
Fair contestation
 Relative equality
Institutions that supports democracy
Civic Culture which respects the “rules of the game” as well as the desire to continue the project of democracy
 Social Mobilization

Fair contestation is a vital part of democracy. However the opposition is not into fair contestation. Their every efforts is to undermine the immigration institution which secures fair contestations at the polls. For the civic culture of the opposition is not to expand the project of democracy but of total political domination and their lust for power and treasure. Therefore, I do agree with the opposition that eBE needs to be free but we need to be free within before we can be free without.

The first step to be free is to embrace the concept of inclusion. Instead of the rhetoric of exclusion, we as a society need to come together and focus on eBelgium itself. Like it or not, we are all eBelgians and such division serves no function in the quest for true liberation. We need not focus on personal or factional greed but the interest of the community as a whole. This holds true to both the opposition and the establishment. We as a society needs to understand and embrace a true republican democracy which if the economics can afford, an egalitarian welfare state like the days of old. Fair contestation and a civic culture based on the ideals of a community and true Personal Swaraj is our path towards freedom and liberation.

For eBE is a failed state. The peoples are not united. The country is in a state of civil war. The status quo will stagnate and further decline the nation. While the wipe is needed to contain the cancer from growing, the only way to treat this blight is to be free. True freedom is Swaraj. Therefore, we do not need more crappy rhetoric and name calling. The enemies of eBE are not that of other alliances and countries, but our self imposed bondage on each other. We are slaves to our own distrust and contempt for each other.

Free Belgium!