Fredericton election media scandal

Day 86, 18:36 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

As a third party newspaper not involved with the politcal candidature of Fredericton, one has to see that allegations made against one entity Count Spatula are correct. Count Spatula is indeed writing both articles and comments that are biased and supportive of one candidate and not the other, namely Mr. Duchovny and not Mr. Wilkmot.

Seeing this, one has to see, that although this recent event has received a lot of media coverage from various press it is all partaining to the campaigning of the said persons.

A third party newspaper, that should be unbiased is indeed taking 'donations' from the said candidate in what is apaprently a release of a positve media image.

One can just look at the past two days and see that mr. Duchovny has deposited money into the bank of Count Spatula on approximately 4 occasions, let along other donations by conterversial newspaper 'Honest Reporting'

It is important for Canada and its candidates to promote fair election practices and moreso fair campaigning practices so it is urged for press to stop writing biased media and to stop accepting donations.

Please let the candidates write their own campaign articles and state their own promises, unless you wish to promote both candidates in a FAIR and THOUGHT OUT manner.