Forums and NI

Day 595, 11:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Hello all 🙂

It has been a busy time for the eUK as normal, trying to improve things for you, its citizens and make us all secure. For me, especially it has been incredibly busy.

As many of you will know I have been working incredibly hard in Northern Ireland, PMing citizens, writing articles in an attempt to keep you informed and working solidly in congress and with the Foreign Affairs team of which I am proud to call myself an Under Minister of for yet another term.

But this means nothing if the people I have come into office for don’t talk to me and tell me the problems they face.

So please, if you have any problems, do not hesitate to ask. If you have low wellness, tell me and I will do my utmost to help out. If you want to know how to fight smart, let me know and I will tell you and direct you to a helpful article. If you want to just chat, I am next to almost always on 😛

And if you want to help, please sign up to the Northern Irish Senate on the eUK forums found here. Unfortunately my fellow Northern Irish congressmen haven’t signed up but that’s even more the reason for each of you to sign up and help out as best you can.

So that you have the credentials to run a successful campaign for congress and actually become an active congressman/woman (hopefully alongside me 😛)

Even if you don’t want to sign up to the Senate I’d urge you to sign up to the eUK forums and get more involved. Along with adding so much more depth to the game they also provide many new friends that you can make while playing this game to the fullest of its potential.

So please, sign up today 🙂
Join the Navy, become involved with politics, sell your merchandise and make friends or even all of these. Everything is available to you on the forums, that can be achieved in this game, so grab the opportunity today.

Thanks 🙂