Financial View Defense

Day 2,559, 12:54 Published in Canada Canada by Natster

I'm not in congress, but I have been challenged to provide a more detailed view on my financial platform of my run for congress. The article I had previously written was a basic summary of my viewpoints. The arguments and logic isn't and could all be written there. So, I will focus this article on the point I was asked strongest about from my campaign platform, and that was the financial part.

For clarity, our current financial situation is as follows:
Work Tax > 1%
Import Tax > 1%
VAT Tax > 1%

Average Wage > $33.08

To understand how you are affected by these, I will break it down.

First Work Tax
Work Tax is paid when you Work as Manager (WAM) or Earn Wages.
Right now, 1% of what you make/pay is paid to the government.
If you made $40, your work tax paid will be $40 * 0.01 = .40 per work
If you WAM, your work tax would be the average wage ($33.0😎 * 0.01 = .33

The only way to lower WAM, is to lower the Average Wage.
The only way to lower the Average Wage, is to have Employers pay under the table. This can be set your wage to min. and pay your employee in tanks, money or some other form that you agree on.

Now, lower level players. I highly recommend you level up as slow as possible.
Basically work and train every day. You will get promoted to division 2 eventually, but you want to put that off as long as possible. If you do, you will find that getting battle hero medals is so much easier.

So, when you get tanks as payment, sell them on the market.

Second Import Tax
Import Tax is what other nations pay when they sell stuff on our market.
Right now, it is even, and can put a strain on our manufacturers in our country.
I think being fair to our nation's manufacturer's is essential. As such, I propose that we raise the import tax to 3/4%. Preferably 4%. This is high enough that if they do sell, we still benefit, and suppliers may still sell on our market, because the tax is better than their current host nation.

This is the tax when something is sold on the market. With import @ 3/4, we can then make sure our VAT tax is lower than our import tax. We could set this to 2/3%. We would profit off of market sales, and will compensate the lower taxes collected.

This is why having import taxes is essential. It makes it harder for foreign nations to compete on our market, and if they do, it still benefits canadians.

When it comes to MU funding, it makes more sense to do it in a CO way. This is not the most efficient way, as other nations could take it away, but it helps establish and maintain gains that the country can afford. With CO's you can limit how much is offered during a war. And the best performing player's could earn cc's just by participating in the dailies. I find I'm now at the point where I make more money in CO's @ $35 cc's per 1,000,000 with a q7 tank than I would trying to sell the tank on the market. Now, over time, this may depreciate the value of selling q7's on the market, but we can offset that by raising minimum wage. However, this is an unlikely scenario, and definitely not one we will see for quite a while.

When it comes to Paying commune style the wages, this makes the most sense.
Whether it be with tanks, money, gold, food, or what not, we should strive to minimize our average wage. This will make it easier on newbies to make money when producing RAW Materials. Our work tax is factored off our average wage. It is most beneficial to get our average wage down as low as possible.

I stand alone in my view point that a high work tax is beneficial to all, but this statement is only true when the average wage can be brought down. The average wage can only be brought down with loads of communes. If our average wage is brought down significantly, we could make it easier to make money.

I hope that is good, and I look forward to all your responses.