Fighting - What to do and when can I

Day 668, 07:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

Over the last few day i have been asked by 3 people when are the battles?

So after telling them i thought i should do what the MoD should be doing and properly telling you all when the battles are because there have been at least two times when they have wrote an article about when to fight and it has not been on the correct time scale.
The Fighting takes place (currently) between Lithuania and Latvia whice we are part of because of our Alliance with Lithuania
This is the biggest training war ever because of the large amount of countries supporting Lithuania.

What is a training War?

A training war is a battle between two or more countries where the outcome has already been decided by the participating countries. i.e. Latvia will invade Lithuania but because of the 30 Alliance that Lithuania has presently, Latvia stands no chance of winning. This could also happen if the president of one country retreats from battle and so his/her country loses the battle and the region is either lost or secured (depending on who retreated).

So when can i fight for Britain?

The Training war between Latvia and Lithuania takes place tonight at 8pm (our time), 12am (E-Rep time), and so is fair to all countries around the planet that are involved. The battles last 24 HOURS and so will end tomorrow at 8pm, this gives us two days when we can fight and get more experience points and increase our wellness.

a link can be found here -

Note - Battle after 8pm today.


Your wellness should be as high as possible so that companies that employ you are getting the most productivity out of you - this way they will produce more products and so hopefully pay you more and more.
Fighting and using a hospital - Whatever region you are in you should only fight as many times as your regions hospital will allow you too. i.e. if you live in the East of England and you have 80 wellness you should only fight twice then heal with the Q3 hospital and get your wellness up too 90+ for working the next day. If you live in a region where there is a Q5 hospital then you can fight 5 times a day but you must make sure you wellness is high.
FIGHTING WITH LOW WELLNESS - BAD - Fight only once then get you wellness to 90+ and do not fight again, this will keep your wellness high for the next day's work and will insure that you can fight the next day.

So remember to keep your wellness high and you can fight at 8pm tonight