Farewell Britannia

Day 727, 09:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

I turn the corner, and there you are,
While we both pretend not to see the other.
We keep walking, our eyes straight ahead,
And I'm grateful, as we pass one another.

We were best friends for one year,
A year of laughter, a year of tears.
In the short time of bliss,
We had promised to be friends for years.

But those ‘years' have now been altered,
And the friendship has lasted just one.
I know that it is the end,
This is a friendship that will not be won.

You don't understand why it ended,
Or that I didn't want it to.
But sometimes in life,
You have to do what you have to do.

This was one of those cases,
I could no longer call you my friend.
I now know it can never go back,
And I have to realize, this IS the end.

Hey eUK

Some of you may know me, some of you won’t. It doesn’t really matter. I’ve spent the last 6 months of my e-life here in the UK. There have been ups, and there have been downs. There are amazing people here, and of course, there are some not so good people.

I’ve been in the UK for long enough to have seen it through its hardest times. I saw the fall of Atlantis, the Scotland Training War, the entry into PEACE, the friendship and brotherhood PEACE brought us from the hostile Atlantis (at this time they were fairly hostile to us). I have seen everything that we have done and am immensely proud of the UK.

However, as a nation we have faltered. Boredom and vicious infighting have returned to the UK and it is breaking us up as a nation. There are people on the opposite ends of every spectrum fighting including the lazy and the immensely dedicated, among many others.

Put simply, the UK is no longer unified.

It is for this reason and several others, I regret to announce that I am leaving the UK. I may as well take now as the time to apologize to everyone who will be let down by this decision. I’m sorry, but it is something I need to do.

So, thank you everyone for giving me such an amazing experience in the UK. I’ll see you around probably x/

And James, have a penguin.

[DISCLAIMER: I have given you ample warning of my leaving the country, and Q5 hospital companies will be viewed as parting gifts and treated as such:3]

Toodle pip

Ex-Congressman for Northern Ireland
Ex-Royal Navy Commodore