European Campaign

Day 1,483, 18:05 Published in USA USA by HEARMERAWR
The European Campaign has STARTED!!! The eUSA will need all support and strength that only a truly strong nation can provide. Although, I feel that we shouldn't focus all of our strength and resources into the European campaign until we have all of our states under our control again. I feel that every state that isn't under our control or an allies control (eCanada) is a weakness as I'm sure some of you feel also. I know that they are just another way for ePoland to strike back and divide us. I feel that before we start focusing all of our strength, energy, and resources into the European campaign we should finish off ePoland in the Americas as i'm sure most of you feel as well. I'm sure we will do this in the next few days. Throughout the European Campaign I will be posting articles of our successes and our failures. Hopefully we won't have leaders that don't care about the fate of the eUSA and favor our enemies.
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