Err... yeah I forgot okay get off my back!

Day 899, 22:47 Published in USA Austria by Alex Lorre

So apparently I may or may not have mentioned some sort of weekly update on votes and whatnot and apparently some people have pointed out that I'm late. Even though I totally don't know what they are talking about I'll give you my voting record thus far which can also be found updated almost daily here.

Okay let's start things off with a bang shall we? Being thoughtful as I am I checked and found out that lulz proposals were still being processed so I made sure to get my xp for votin dem bitches. Also I took a few useless stands against imperialism and dumb budget policy right out of the starting gate. Here are my current votes: (+ equals yes, - equals no)

A quick note these and all subsequent ones are going to be in order from newest to oldest descending so I can copy paste easier Big Grin

Day 888

Donate + : Standard stuff donating to CBO. I see no problem with this.
Alliance - : Sorry Poland but no. Losing your empire doesn't make you less of an imperialist or less of a backstabbing worthless ally.
Alliance - : Sorry Spain see above.
Issue Money - : I would like to see the USD go up not down. Working in Canada kicked ass and you know why? They have highly valued currency. I don't care if it helps the businesses to have it low, it helps the workers if it's high.
Tax change: Grain - : Lulz proposal. Figured voting no was the sensible thing even though it didn't matter. Have to get a few browny points before I start to piss people off.
Tax change: Wood - : See above
Tax change: Hospital - : See above
Donate + : Same standard CBO donations.
Tax change: Defense System - : Lulz proposal
Tax change: Food - : See above.

Day 889

Tax change: Wood + : I'm not going to lie at first I read this backwards so I thought income tax was getting lowered but either way it helps and apparently this was supposed to be this way already but was overlooked somehow during the last tax change procedure.
Tax change: Weapon - : Lulz or an idiot.
Peace Proposal + : Peace with an ally? well duh!

Day 890

Donate + : CBO stuff
Alliance + : Ally with an ally? Duh!
Donate + : CBO stuff

Day 892? I'm one day off somehow...

Donate + : CBO stuff
Issue Money + : CBO stuff

Day 893

Alliance + : We need to have the Aussies' backs.
Donate + : CBO

Day 894

Donate + : CBO Day


Donate + : cbo (erep is not case sensitive)

Day 896

Donate + : CBO stuff
Trade Embargo - : Didn't contain a link to a legitimate discussion and thus broke legislative protocol. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give more details.

Day 897

Peace Proposal - : While I would welcome peace with any country this was not a serious proposal.

Day 898

Donate + : CBO
Alliance + : Israel is constantly under fire from Turkey and needs outside help to guarantee its survival and I view it as our duty as a fairly large country to help.
Donate + : CBO

Day 899

Donate + : CBO