eRepublik releases 3 new missions to try and hurt Rebellion

Day 1,204, 07:42 Published in Canada Canada by Dean22

If you haven't noticed Emperor Plato today had decided in yesterday's death star meeting with other eRepublik admins that the rebellion must be crushed at all costs.

Plato smiles in real life for the Camera

For those of you who don't know Emperor Plato closed down the flow of gold to the citizens under the flag of the Empire of eRepublik.

First, he let Alexis Bonte deal with all the CP's that defied him.

Alexis Bonte chokes out a CP with admin powers while an idle CP watches him do it

The Rebellion decides to defy the Emperor and they blow up his gold bank.

Emperor Plato's gold bank exploding. Is it gone?

So the Rebellion says they won't fight and that they won't spend the Emperor's money.

But the Emperor Plato designs a plan to trap the Rebels into missions and force them to use gold.

Rebellion flying towards a mission on forest planet

But then the Emperor tricked the Rebellion into fighting!!!

Rebellion ambushed by Emperor's fleet and forced into fighting

Dean22 stating the obvious

IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!