eRep metafizika

Day 2,497, 13:13 Published in Serbia Serbia by Kapetan Uks

Svaka zemlja koja se ponovo vozdigne u eSvetu teži ka jako zanimljivim stanjima. Vospostavljajući novi svet na internetima, mladi, nešto stariji i oni baš stari diljem sveta otpočinju ciklus nekakvog paralelnog razvoja svoje sredine; svaka eZemlja ovde u stvari transcendira svoje opipljivo, pojavno stanje - a to brt znači da teži da mu se otrgne, da postane neopipljiva, ne-pojavna, da prevaziđe prostu ljušturu mesa, zemlje, reka, planina i oblaka. Ali, složićemo se: sve stvari koje transcendiraju (ili, ako ne sve, onda bar puno mnogo njih) zapravo teže smrti. Tako dolazimo do vječitog problema eAmerike...

eAmerika, kao i Amerika (i da, mislim na SAD, ne na kontinent) nikada ne teži smrti! Samim tim, ona nikada ne može živjeti - zemlja koja je toliko retko bila okupirana, još ređe brisana, a opet doživela da joj strani plaćenici preotmu vlast, za sebe ne može reći da je zaista ikada i postojala. Gledajući mapu svijeta, ona stoji na svom usamljenom kontinentu (jer, realno, eKanada kao i Kanada, ne predstavlja neki stvarni faktor u životu), stoji tako, pomalo smrducka, osvaja Kalifornijski poluotok i Kubu, ponekad ode u zapadnu Evropu, ali da li zaista ode? Jok! Poigra se sa priobaljem te se vrati kući, bez iole stvarnih namera da ratuje, da se širi, da dobija ili gubi one stvarno bitne bitke...

Pitam ja vas: gdje je to u odnosu na slavne borbe eSrbije i eHrvatske?! Kako se takav eŽivot može ikad uporediti sa beskonačnim otimanjem i povraćanjem regija, sa bežanjem po kugli eZemaljskoj, jurnjavom, brisanjima i oslobođenjima?

eAmerika ne teži smrti, ona želi da pobedi u igri u kojoj je pobeda nemoguća i samim tim je već mnogo više mrtva nego živa. Budimo jedared ljudi, pomozimo im - organizujmo udružene vazdušne udare na taj vrli, novi svet! To će nam se svima višestruko isplatiti...

U večitoj potrazi za 25 komentara,
ljubi vas

English version

Every country that rises in the eWorld leans towards some interesting states of existence. By establishing a new world on the Internets, the young, the slightly older and the very old of the world start a new cycle of some kind of parallel development of their enviroment; every eCountry here actualy transcends its palpable, manifestational state - and that, my brotha, means that it tends to snap away from it, to become un-palpable, un-manifestational, to overcome the rude shell of meat, earth, rivers, mountains and clouds. But, we will agree on one thing: all that transcends (or, if not all, then a whole lotta of it) actually aspires towards death. That's how we come to the eternal problem of eAmerica...

eAmerica, just like America (and, yes, I'm talking about USA, not the whole continent) never aspires towards death! Considering this, it can never really live - a country that is ever so rarely occupied, erased from the map even less often, and yet is sometimes subject to foreign TOs can't really say it ever actually existed. Seen on the world map, it stands lonely on its continent (because, honestly, eCanada, just like Canada, doesn't represent a real factor in life), just stands there, stinks a bit, conquering the Californian peninsula and Cuba, wondering off to western Europe - but does it really go there? Nope! It plays with the coastal regions and then goes home, without really wanting to fight, to expand, to win or lose those really important battles...

So I ask you: how does that compare to those glorious battles between eSerbia and eCroatia?! How can an eLife like that compare to the endless capturing and regaining of regions, to running away across the globe, the chase, the wipe-outs, the liberations?

eAmerica does not tend toward death, it wants to win a game where victory is impossible - and by wanting that, it is already more dead than alive. Let us be humans for once, let us help them - let's organize simultaneous airstrikes to the brave new world! It would be worth it for everyone...

In the everlasting quest for 25 comments,
Hugs & kisses,