eQLD Constituent Newsletter from Senator TJ Norton - Transition Business Report

Day 1,232, 07:27 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

eQLD Constituent Newsletter: Transition Business Report

Good evening/morning all - wherever you're reading this from

With the Prime Ministerial election upon us, the business of the Senate may or may not experience a change of Government policy direction in the coming days. As always, I will report to you whatever transpires on the Senate floor. Now onto the issues and votes that have occurred in these final days of this Executive term.

Defence and foreign affairs votes

MPP with eChina

Prime Minister sir_c0nstant has sent a Military Protection Pact ratification bill to the Senate and it has been overwhelming approved.

Health policy votes

Consensus reached on Q2 Hospital purchase for e-Queensland

UPDATE 1,233 at 06:51: Just discovered there is a 99.01 AUD appropriation to vote on in the Senate for a Q2 hospital for eQueensland. I have posted a message asking what this is about but since it's for eQLD - vote it up. The more infrastructure the better!

I am grateful to my colleagues for having received no objections to my proposal for a private joint venture with the Government to place a Q2 hospital in eQueensland once construction is complete. My submission to the Senate was one of transparency so that the eAustralian people could be assured of no wrong doing on the part of myself of the Prime Minister. I am informed that construction won't take long to finish now.

In the event it does not occur before tomorrow, as there is a transition of the Executive Branch of Government at tomorrow's day change (23:59 at day 1,232 - 00:00 at day 1,233) .. I will send a letter to the Prime Minister-elect asking if he would be so good as to abide by the arrangement to place the hospital.

Q1 Hospital purchase for South Australia

This has been approved by the Senate.

Financial policy votes

Tax change: Food

I proposed a temporary taxation relief bill to aide the struggling Q1 and Q2 food sector, calling for a 1% decrease in the VAT and Income tax. To prevent a run from foreign sellers, a 2% increase on the Import Tax was factored in. It was narrowly defeated with 15 in favour and 19 against - a margin of 5 votes (inc. tie breaker).

Tax change: Weapons

Having better luck using the same tax relief formula, Senator Aussie Vegeta (DIY) proposed a new taxation scale for the weapons market. The only difference was a 3% increase on Import Tax.

This passed the Senate by a 14 vote margin.


A comment on the tax bills. This was a passionate debate and one that called for frankness. Many Senators put forward their views - much indifferent to mine - and I respect them for doing so. It's a right of our citizenship to disagree with one another and to do so with respect.

I did question, however, how come the weapons tax bill received a much more favourable hearing - using nearly the same formula - than that of my food tax bill?

The consensus view opposing the change was put that it was unneeded stimulus. I digress, however, this reaction was inconsistent with the view on weapons. I still disagree with that view as I am very concerned about how game changes have effected the sudden influx of overseas sellers into a now-borderless marketplace and have undercut our eAustralian small businesses. I use the term "small businesses" as there can be no doubt in the difference between Q1 and Q2 yield and a Q4 and Q5 take.

On a positive outlook, there has been much discussion during this Prime Ministerial campaign about military supply reform and more wholesome programs to supply better food quantities to our fighting men and women. At this time I will yield on the question of tax reform until the Prime Minister-elect has been sworn in and there is a more concrete understanding of what is proposed from the new Executive Branch.


Foreign affairs and Immigration

Question of asylum for the people of eCroatia

I have posted a message attention to the Hon. Minister for Immigration asking whether the Government would consider establishing an application process of asylum for the citizens of eCroatia, following the loss of their last-held region.

Given that our relationship with the eCroatian Government (on the cusp of being in exile) has been a positive one, I hope there is something we can do to help these folks and provide them another option than to stay in an occupied country.

Until next time, it's always a pleasure. Happy trails, good hunting and eQueensland be with you!

TJ Norton
Senator for eQueensland