eNK's military

Day 2,814, 05:56 Published in North Korea USA by Altina Mel Sylphis

eNorth Korea military is one of the weakest in the eworld according to my research. It isnt really surprising since RL North Koreans cant access the internet at all.

Last time I wrote about factions of eNK so to continue that will talk about their military power.
The chinese faction has the most soldier in eNK, I would say about 80-90% of influence comes from them. I also have to note that their soldiers tend to have the best stats all around in eNK, despite this we simply dont have enough soldiers.
The other two faction barely have any influence in terms of military, most of them dont even login in daily basis, so at best I would say they are the militia of eNK.

As a new player my influence also a questionable worth about as useful as a twelve year old boy sent to a battle without any weapon unarmed, you get the idea.

The conclusion that NK wont be free for a long time because our military isnt factor in this game, too few , too little to count.
However military isnt the only factor in this game, next time will write about another area of eNK.