Emerick's Last Will and Testament

Day 791, 22:35 Published in USA USA by scrabman

When I was a young player in this game I met a kid named Emerick who seemed to make people happy, sad, mad, and all sorts of other emotions. I worked to befriend him ... which is sort of what I do in real life. At one point he asked me to write a Last Will and Testament for him using my lawya skillz.


It would seem that Emerick has departed the game and I now remember helping him with this Will and that I was supposed to be his Executor. I don't know if the Admins will enforce this or will assist me in this endeavor ... but I am asking the eUSA Community to help draft a suitable obituary for such a renowned, infamous, and controversial character as the guy I usually called Emmers. We didn't always agree and were sometimes bitter rivals ... but I still had a respect for him ... enough to want to do this the right way.


I will publish that obituary in my paper after his character dies and will attempt to satisfy the conditions of the above linked will and will hope that a sympathetic Admin will help. Anybody who is named in this Will and who is still alive and playing the game should check in with me so that I'm aware of your presence.

Live long and prosper.