Edition 34: A Concession and an Endorsement

Day 951, 19:17 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

(WARNING: This article is considered EPIC. It is massively long and I could not prevent it.)

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Hello everyone and welcome to another Edition of the Anvil! I’m happy and grateful for the amount of support I have received in my bid to become President. It really does me good to see I do have friends out there willing to help me when I need them. It’s greatly appreciated. This Edition is going to be short sweet and to the point as my last one was. I hadn’t expected to write this article so soon but to be honest, I’m not surprised. I need my friends and the people who support me to listen to what I have to say now.

I ran for President because I was asked to serve. Now I see a field crowded with candidates all vying for the prized seat. It is not only causing extraordinary confusion but utter chaos and more than a little panic, people are racing to look at such a full field and decide who they should support. I’m going to make it a little easier on everyone because I love my country more than anything else. Winning is not as important to me as national unity, there are way too many people are in this race and it only hurts our country. That is something I will not stand for. With that I am bowing out of this Presidential race with some dignity and grace. I am resigning my Presidential bid. I’m sorry to those who support me. If I receive enough encouragement and support maybe I will run next time, I haven’t decided yet. The only thing I know is that my only calling is to serve the country I love.

I have been approached by all sides for me to drop out and support them. I have been offered many things to show that support, not the least of which was VP in a few cases. In the end it took me the better part of a day to decide who to endorse. I see some pretty good candidates but only one stands out above the rest. There is only one man who I think I can do the job they way it needs to be done. Who is this man you ask?


Many of you are asking why I am supporting AidenAstrup. Aiden came to me a few days ago before I started this bid and told me he was going to run and asked me to be his Vice President. It was a tempting offer, but I said I needed to think about it, and asked him that if he was going to run he prove to me that he was going to be active. Then Gaius Julius asked me to run the next day. I accepted and here we are, what has changed? AidenAstrup, he has shown me that he can and WILL be active. So what you ask, why does that matter you ask because Aiden is more qualified than anyone else running. Aiden served as Chief of Staff to Scrabman, arguable one of our nation’s most successful Presidents, fourteen terms in Congress and on top of that operates t’jelle Bank one of the most successful bank in the eWorld. He is also a co-founder on the ERX Stock Exchange, the single most successful economic innovation to come out of eRepublik! He is formerly a USWP Member and one still greatly admired. Why support AidenAstrup? He is the financial genius we need to help prepare and lead us into V2! He’s the right man for the job at the right time; he’s the financial MacGyver of our time!

It took me longer than he expected for me to accept his offer but I had to first see for myself if he was serious first about activity…and to test his financial skills myself 😉 He passed both with flying colors. AidenAstrup is the right man at the right time, and I am honored to accept his offer and be his running mate, and proud to call him my friend. I ask that all the people who supported me come support us now, and I ask those other candidates still running to consider what such a full field is doing to the country. Support Aiden and we can lead the eUS into a financial secure and stronger future.

AidenAstrup/Devan Kronos


Thank You All for the Time! I and Aiden would be honored to have your support so please if you would Vote AidenAstrup on Election Day & In your Party Primaries!! Now I leave you as always with some parting words.

" Have no friends not equal to yourself."
- Confucius

Your Friend, Devan Kronos
Proud Federalist

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