Edition 33: A Single Step

Day 950, 14:11 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

(WARNING: This article is not as long as my others but has considerable weight behind it.)

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A Little Theme Music Perhaps?

Welcome to yet another edition of the Anvil! This edition will be short sweet and to the point, but to be honest with you all this is not the article I was expecting to write here today, but the more things change the more they stay the same. I didn’t expect to write this article for at least a few months, but thanks to a few people. I decided that it was time to do this, it wasn’t an easy decision but it was the right one, for me and for the country.

Over the past few days I have been keeping tabs on the people standing up to be our next President in light of the fact that Chocolate McSkittles will most likely not be seeking a second term. I wish he was but he has made up his own mind and people are always welcome to do that. I wish him the best, I’m still holding out hope that he will change his mind, but I’m not expecting it. Late last night I got a message from a good friend of mine and a person I respect greatly, Gaius Julius. The first three lines of the Conversation sure as hell caught my attention and made me laugh out loud. That is until I found out he wasn’t joking.

00:01 Gaius_Julius yo
00:01 Gaius_Julius run for prez
00:01 Gaius_Julius kthx

After a long night of debating I called it an early night to sleep on it. The night before I had sent messages to my friends to see what they thought on the issue. I got largely positive feedback from them, even from Publius. So this morning after reading them, I made my decision.

I hereby announce my candidacy for President of the eUnited States.

Am I going to win? I do not know. Will it be a fun ride even if I don’t? You bet it will. Over the next few days I will release a platform and other choices I have and will make. I’m running because friends of mine have approached me and asked me to serve, and I cannot turn down a call to service. I’m running because I think I can do some good for the country as a whole. I’m running because it’s past time I stood up for this country and tried to lead. I have served this country from the hallowed halls of Congress to the trappings of the White House. I have had people tell me every step of the way that I should run for President. Normally I laughed them off and said maybe one day when I feel I am ready. I wasn’t sure last night but I am now. I am ready. There is nothing that we can’t do together as a country and as a people. My name is Devan Kronos, and I am a nominee for President of the eUnited States of America.

I hope you are willing to support me on this endeavor and I wish the best of luck to everyone else running. If you wish to help my run, please find your way to my room on IRC or message me. My room is #DKs_Office on Rizon.

If you wish to help me I ask that you only realize one thing, that a small but dedicated group of individuals can change the world. Why? Because it’s the only thing that ever has.

That’s all for this edition I look forward to seeing you next time! I look forward to an interesting race. Lets see what happens shall we? As always I part from you with a quote.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Your Friend, Devan Kronos
A humble Candidate for President.

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Donkey Kong for President.
Stay Frosty America.