Edition 32: Redcoats

Day 944, 00:15 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

(WARNING: This article is considered EPIC. It is massively long and I could not prevent it.)

Click on Images to Enlarge them.
A Little Theme Music Perhaps?

-DK’s Award for Awesomeness
-What if…?
-The Interview
-Final Thoughts
((Due to Admin fail I have discontinued Hyperlinking until its fixed.))

Some of the Images have Easter Eggs instead of an enlarged image when you click on them….there are 8 see if you can find them, enjoy 😃


Welcome to yet another Edition of the Anvil! Today we shift focus and take a look at some other things around the eWorld we know about, yet don’t know about. Not to mention a few other things that I have not seen talked about in the Media. Though first I wanted to cover one or two small personal things that I feel like letting you all know and understand.

On June 17th after a lot of thought on the subject I decide that it was time for a change in my elife. On June 22nd, I will turn 365 days old, meaning that I will have been in this game for one full year. That entire time I have only been active in one party, the United States Workers Party. I love the USWP and I always will, they helped make me the guy that I am today and I can never thank them enough. But I needed fresh surroundings; I’d never experienced any other political parties. So I very regretfully resigned the USWP EB Emeritus and the party as a whole. They took it like I hoped; they understood the game was getting stale for me so I needed a change. I’m proud to tell you all it’s worked, I’ve never felt more invigorated and ready to move forward helping this country any way I can. So what party did I choose you ask? Well ignore what is currently on my profile, I took over a dead party for the free ad gold 😛 I decided to join the Federalist Party because I was always welcomed there when I worked as the unofficial USWP interparty Ambassador. So they will be my home now. I have also decided to run for Congress again, so that’s new too, anyways I want to thank my readers who message me, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I always write back or try to, hey at least I’m not like the eRepublik Help Desk.

I wanted to take a moment to mention something and clear it up since I never had a good chance to do it before. Part way through Jewitt’s second term, during my tenure as Chief of Staff is when I began facing RL issues which ultimately resulted in my hiatus from eRepublik a little over month later. During the times of my absence I am happy that I appointed Fingerguns and St Krem as my deputies, they fulfilled their jobs perfectly. Something I have never told anyone was what that RL Issue was that pushed me back into college fully; I think it’s time I let that one out. During the two previous months, my Grandfather had been undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer, in mid January he developed what’s called a pulmonary embolism and went into cardiac arrest, he survived initially but slowly declined passing away at the end of the month. I was too busy visiting him in the hospital and then dealing with grief when he passed to truly play a game so I did what I could but let my DCoS’s finish what I started. Sometime’s the unexpected happens in life, you just have to live with what cards are dealt.

I always did push myself far harder than I push those who work for me. Now as I said I’m running for Congress again! ....Oh god what have I done? Any who if you want to see my platform here it is I was smart and made one to be used over and over again so I don’t have to deal with it again 🙂

Edition 27: The Forge

Message me if you would like to vote for me, I will be running in Minnesota! That’s all, I’m moving on cause all this talk about me is quite annoying 😑


Welcome to the Award’s section of my article! It’s time for me to announce who else is on my awesome list of people! These people are very cool dudes and dudets who do a lot for their friends and everyone who comes in contact with them. They are examples of some of the best eRepublik can put forward and are awesome people duh 😛 I have had many good people join this list and there are many more to come, I do them in no particular order and whomever comes to mind first so message me if you want to see someone and I’ll consider it. So let’s see who gets DK’s Award for Awesomeness this Edition!

The people that I have chosen to receive the award this time are…

Oh god let me think here…I first met Jewitt in late September 2009 when he served as Vice President to Gaius Julius. Jewitt and I struck up a rather quick friendship which exists to this day. When Josh Frost won the Presidency I was a primary voice in the room saying that Jewitt should be our Secretary of Treasury. At that point I had been appointed Josh Frost’s Deputy Chief of Staff and a right hand adviser. DCoS is a job close to the President’s heart as that I always had his ear when needed. Jewitt was decided as the SecTres in that meeting. Then next month, much to everyone’s surprise Jewitt defeated Frost for re-election. I was kept on as Deputy Chief of Staff for his first term and promoted to White House Chief of Staff during his second term. His presidency embarked us on the Three Pillars Campaign in Asia which we fight to this day. Jewitt is an awesome dude; an award is kind of obvious.

Wow…how to describe this one? Seriously, if you don’t know who Emerick is go shoot yourself right now...seriously go do it…I’M NOT JOKING, OFF WITH YOU!! Now that that’s dealt with, I first met Emerick in mid July 2009 after his unsuccessful first bid for President. We talked for a while on IRC he was always a pretty funny dude, and he started saying hello via “Sup fgt” as is Emerick’s way, and I said it right back :3 He elected on August 5th by unseating President Harrison Richardson in a strong 3 way race where Joshua Hoss the 3rd place candidate took over 800 votes. During his time as President, we were pushed back into the Mega Fortress of Florida. But he managed to turn the tide of the war in America’s favor by pulling a fast one on Indonesia, then kicking them in the nuts for good measure. He turned the tide of the war before he was on a diplomatic mission that went very, very wrong in early September of 2009. This prompted his resignation and the rise of Gaius Julius to the Presidency. I have had contact with Emerick throughout my time in eRepublik, he has asked me on many occasions to make an image for him. I even made his infamous mustache which still looks pretty cool I have to say. He’s served this country with distinction until his perm ban on April 16th, 2010. His presence and influence is still widely felt throughout eRepublik regardless of his perm ban, he stays involved. Emerick like Ligtreb, is Awesomeness incarnate, hence an award.


This section is a special what if scenario I came up with I hope you enjoy it as much as I did coming up with it. So let’s play a game!

For this scenario we are going to say what if Hankscorpio had had the balls to actually attack Poland during his Rage Quit cycle? What if Russia opened up Poland’s MPP list and a direct fight involving Poland? For this exercise I am going to stipulate that Poland would ignore the Russian Capital of Moscow, though when I told Ariakis, the President of Poland, about that part he said, “Why should we? Conquering their RL capital would piss them off like hell 😃”. Not to mention the Polish occupying Moscow would be incredibly embarrassing to Russia and funny as hell.

Anyways, let’s say he attacked. I don’t think anyone doubts that Poland would have won this engagement with very little difficultly. So let’s get a clear picture of the theater of combat as of today.

Now as you can see I have named Northern Russia to be the first and Primary objective of the initial push, why? This is because it is a very long region that connects with two extremely important regions in Russia. The first is obviously Moscow and the second is arguable the most important region in Russia, Western Siberia. The WSR is the main Fortress of Russia being a High Iron, High Oil, AND High Wood this region has the potential Mega Economic Center, which it was when Indonesia controlled it, but the point of this attack isn’t just WSR. Once that fell Poland would have a direct path into China which would soon be followed up by Liaoning. Now there are three paths to Northern Russia which I will outline. In each path Poland would have to face Kalingrad as a major fortress battle.

Option 1:

Here we see that the best path avoiding the fortresses would be through the Baltic States, in either a land swap or a full on battle. Given the recent tensions between these nations I think it’s entirely possible for one to betray the other in return for Poland wiping out their opponent in their recent conflict. This path does risk Russia blocking Poland once they regain borders after the capture of Kalingrad, but its an acceptable risk in my honest opinion and by far the most direct if Poland didn’t want to avoid Moscow. This path would take them through Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and finally Finland. Now normally I would have had it end at Estonia and have Poland go through Leningrad but to my utter surprise that region doesn’t border Estonia! Yes, I was like “WTF?” as well, this is yet another fail by Admin’s inability to read a map.

Option 2:

This option is one we can see rather easily. Poland currently holds two regions for both Norway and Sweden, and Norway is holding one for Sweden. Many of you are asking why? That answer is kind of obvious once you see it. The top part of Denmark is owned by the eUK. They can hut the entire southern coast of Norway and Sweden from that position so Poland owns one each so that Norway and Poland can block the eUK whenever it makes an offensive move and that direction, and so they can continually block the eUK from there. Poland could easily have arranged a land swap with the Scandinavian nations and been in Northern Russia in record time. The eUK would be dealt with via blocking attacks. The eUK could retreat the region but then when they attacked it to block, the only thing the current occupier (Poland or Norway) would have to do would be to press the retreat button and let their friend continue the blocking attack. This is exactly what has been happening in that area since the middle of World War III. But the region swapping into Russia is a very simple matter and one that has been done hundreds of times by pretty much every nation.

Option 3:

Now this option is less likely than the others, but it’s not impossible. For this method to work Ukraine would have to agree to a region swap with Poland. This put Ukraine in a very precarious position. They have worked hard to keep themselves neutral in this war as best they can. This region swap can be compared to another country we know though. Japan was in this exactly position before. They allowed Indonesia through the Kyushu Pass when the North American Invasion began but later refused passage to anyone. America later forced the issue but that’s another story. If Ukraine allowed this it would likely be followed by an immediate entrance into EDEN for the protection against a very, very ticked off Russia :3

Final Moves:

These are the final moves of this grand play. Once Western Siberia (WSR) had fallen to Poland that’s it, that’s the ball game, it’s over. Once Poland made it into Asia there would be no stopping them. Just as America has been in Asia for months so would Poland be. They could take their time and build up for an all out assault on Lion King while the eUS and China continued to harass Russia and Serbia. Once you open Pandora’s Box there is no closing it, you can say Oops all you want, that won’t help you.

But sadly Russia did not attack Poland because maybe they are sacred? Or maybe they realize they would lose. Or could it possibly be they are so supremely confident in their abilities that they don’t see Poland as a threat? I highly doubt that, No-one is that overconfident.

That’s all I have for the “What If?” section hope you enjoyed it. Now it’s time for everyone’s favorite section…


This Edition I have chosen someone from the opposite side of the spectrum from the last article. This man is definitely not on the side of the eUS and EDEN. He is a nine time Congressman, a six time Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, a four time Former Minister of Home Affairs, and a Former four term Party President. He spent three months as Deputy Secretary General of Phoenix and Currently serves as the head of Phoenix diplomatic affairs. He is also a four time Prime Minister of the eUK including right now. That’s right, ladies and gentleman my guest this Edition is…

Mr Woldy

1. When and Why did you join eRepublik?
I joined erepublik in february 09, I can't remember exactly why but I think I must have seen it advertised on another broswergame at the time. When I logged in and saw all this congress business and actual players running everything it seemed pretty different to anything I had ever played before, so stuck with it (even though it took me a while to start using the forums and IRC).

2. Who would you say is your best friend in eRepublik?
I couldn't possibly choose one person, pretty much everyone is really cool. It would be easier to list the 3 people I hate on erepublik ^__^

3. Why did you decide to be the British PM again after such a long break?
Well I had always wanted to do it again, but this month looks as though it will be the last month available for me to commit the time to be online 24/7 answering questions and running ministries.

4. So why did the British decide to join PEACE/Pheonix in the first place?
Thats a pretty long story, and I can give you our perspective but it would probably attract trolls like flies to sh*t and we don't want that on your lovely newspaper 😉

5. Think your National Newspaper Association Award could be given to me even though I don’t publish in the eUK? :3 (Since I’m sure they all will see anyways it when you shout it :3)
I'll have to see what I can do about that 😃

6. So EDEN fails to take LK again? Why don’t you guys just give it up? We will take it eventually.
We're just waiting for China to say they want it back so we don't have to keep renting the damn thing.

7. Going to run for Prime Minister again Woldy?
Thats a tough question. I would definitely like to run again in the future, but with my workload facing an inevitable increase after September, and me holidaying up until September, it won't be anytime soon. tl;dr maybe in a year if I am still playing.

8. Ever considered trying to be friends with the eUS again?
Once or twice, didn't seem like a popular idea though x_X

9. How sucky do you think V2 will be?
Suck harder than GF's mum

10. Looks like I’m going to beat you to Level 22, wanna race? :3
Yeh lets race, I can win with XP proposals fighting and other stuff. Unless you go get yourself elected or something.

Final Words:
Btw, Cesog is teh cool. Fingerguns hates me and Syrup tastes nice.

Everyone thank the Damn Brit for being interviewed in my paper 😃 It was a pleasure as always Mr Woldy. I find it enlightening when people see and hear from people on the opposite side of a conflict, we are all people just some of us have chosen the wrong side. I’ll let you decide which side you’re on since some of my readers are not on the EDEN/Brolliance side of the war. :3 But then if we were all on the same side who would there be to fight? No one could stand against us.


That’s it for this Edition of the Anvil I hope you enjoyed it! It takes a lot of effort for me to write these so please, Vote, Subscribe and shout it up! I think this has the potential to make it to Top 5, if it didn’t I wouldn’t have released it. Leave a comment if you like and your ALWAYS more than welcome to help me win my little bet with Mr Woldy 😛 Now it’s time to part again, and as always with some words of wisdom.

“What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.”

Your Friend, Devan Kronos
aka Donkey Kong

P.S. Vote and Subscribe Today!

This Article is dedicated to Josh Frost, one of the greatest men I have ever had the privilege of knowing, and one of the greatest leaders this country has ever seen. God Speed Frosty, you will always have my respect and my friendship. o7

Stay Frosty America.