EDEN / TERRA stand proud!

Day 1,396, 22:05 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by tarbuh

The last several weeks we are witnessing very intense fighting between ONE and its allies on one side and EDEN/TERRA and their allies on the other side.

And although ONE has some of the strongest countries, some of the largest populations, some of the strongest armies, we still stand proud and we are a worthy opponent.

We proved that when we work together as a team, anything is possible. Remember the map a month ago? Countries like Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, USA were deleted or barely on the map.

And what did we see after that?

The first total deletion of Serbia. Whatever the reasons, a fact is a fact:

The mighty Hungary down to a few provinces:

Macedonia (FYROM) (official game name), which got down to a single original region from dominating two peninsulas:

Even in THIS fight they lost:

Western Europe also looks different now. USA is permanently in Spain. France, Holland, Belgium and Germany are on the map for more than a few days. Ireland and Canada are on the offensive against the UK.

Whoever wanted medals already got them or wouldn't get them in important battles. So, don't find excuses, ONE. We don't give ultimatums to one another like "Choose country A or country B". We don't go in useless battles when one of us is being deleted. Our people don't write articles against the other members or countries that support us. Sounds familiar?

You are not weaker, ONE. We are stronger. We don't have internal fights like you do. We don't leave a country in need like you do. We all fight for each other together. We are UNITED.