Economic overview – Norway

Day 131, 13:05 Published in Norway Norway by Evleos
Economic overview – Norway

In the wake of recent changes in the nature of eRepublik, the economic landscape in eNorway has changed dramatically. I will in this article give a short overview of sale value per point of productivity in the different sectors, with the focal point on q1. It is worth mentioning that about NOK 20 = 1 GOLD

New citizen productivity = 1x2 = 2 (ignoring turnup and increase in productivity due to scale)


With the entrance of more fierce foreign competition in the Norwegian food market, food prices have been slashed by almost 50% in Q1. We are now seeing real sale prices of 11 cent, down from about 17cent some days ago. The value created per point of productivity is thus 0.11 NOK.

The value created per productivity = NOK 0.11
New citizen neutral wage = NOK 0.22


This marked has seen a tremendous increase in prices due to the recent changes. The Norwegian gift industry has gone from a selling price of NOK .10 per gift, to a current selling price of NOK 1.22. Each gift takes 2 productivity points to create, thus;

The value created per point = NOK 0.61
New citizen neutral wage = NOK 1.22

Moving tickets

This market seems extremely lucrative

Value creation per point = NOK 1.08
New citizen neutral wage = NOK 2.16


This market is far from saturated, thus:

Value created per point = NOK 0.405
New citizen neutral wage = NOK 0.81


Due to lacklustre demand the q1 value creation is rather low:

Value created per point = NOK 0.243
New citizen neutral wage = NOK 0.486


The Norwegian market is extremely imbalanced, there is a 10x difference in value creation from top to bottom. There is definitely overproduction in the food sector; new players must be encouraged to work elsewhere. But why is the market failing so miserably? Perhaps due to the fact that some powerful groups have equal wages for all sectors with the same skill level. This policy does not move our workforce to the sectors where it is needed the most! And gift, moving ticket workers? You know where to move 🙂

*Taxes are not removed from these numbers – they are actually a bit lower.