eCanada Under Siege

Day 2,472, 18:48 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

We are under attack, people. Very few of you yet deny it. To the few of you who still do - take off your blinders and stop being god-pounding idiots.

I will preface this article by saying that eCanada yet stands with eSerbia and Asteria. The actions of the rotten few do not define the character of the many, and those nefarious individuals seeking to do harm here and abroad should not be confused with the far greater number of well-intentioned, clean-playing eSerbians. Хаил Србија!

Immigration is a way to grow a country, to welcome in new players who wish to join a community and contribute to a new country. eCanada is as reliant on immigration as RL Canada, which was forged from the rugged, untamed wilds by European, Asian and African immigrants. Likewise, eCanada is home to many persons from a variety of backgrounds, all theoretically working together in our admittedly rough-and-tumble and bellicose e-community towards unified goals. eRepublik immigration is a tool for community-building.

Immigration should never be used as a weapon. It is not a means to accomplish personal goals, or to settle a vendetta, but a tool to be used for the betterment of a nation. Those who use it for selfish, vindictive purposes, who turn the tools of nation-building against the citizenry whose lives it is intended to enrich, are terrorists and traitors.

Prince Sheogorath is such a person, and United Front are his willing accomplices. Sheogorath has become more and more brazen in his flagrant misuse of eCanada's immigration, promising citizenship to a group of known eSerbian PTOers. He does this not for the betterment of eCanada - indeed, it very much seems he could care less about the rest of eCanada - but as a form of political protest against the eCanadian government, and against Canadian Progressive Front specifically. He has our immigration queue packed with expectant PTOers, and threatens to bring them all in if CPF does not acquiesce to his wishes.

In essence, he has planted his anarchist bomb and is holding a lit match over the fuse, saying, "Meet my demands or I blow us all up!"

Genuine eCanadian citizens who are members of United Front are being lied to by a traitor. Sheogorath does not care about eCanada or eCanadians.

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I can hardly blame some of the misled sheep in United Front for blindly following the treachery of that party's founder. Many of these people simply do not know that their leader has no interest in being part of the eCanada community, and that he holds everyone but his terrorist crew in utter disregard. I am here to assure those UF members who wish to be a part of a community that they can easily switch to a party that actually cares about eCanada. A party that isn't threatening to ignite a powder-keg in order to remain isolationist and separate. MDP, for one, will accept the repentant with open arms.

Others among the party know what they are doing, and continue to do it anyway. TheAnaconda has been privy to open and closed-door congress conversation for some time now - he has seen Sheogorath's open contempt and disregard for eCanada. And when he is not reminding us that he is a peacock whom we should allow to fly, he is actively and knowingly promoting the influx of terrorists into the country. And, occasionally, saying terribly ironic things:

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In the past, Sheogorath and his people have given a number of excuses for their behaviour:

1) "We are trying to prevent an American PTO!" - This is clearly a load of hooey. Evidence: they did not attempt this action months ago when DMV3 was in office. Mainly because Sheogorath's people, Otriad, were too busy staging a PTO in eUK, and they didn't give a damn about eCanada then either.

2) "We want a level playing field, and CPF does it!" - Fact: CPF is the largest political party in eCanada for some dumb reason. Fact: Many new immigrants will naturally gravitate towards the largest party, because it is the largest party (and they will avoid United Front because United Front espouses an extremist political ideology, while CPF is "moderate"). Fact: Being the largest party, CPF has the most congressmen. These three facts guarantee that there will be some coincidental occurrences where CPF congressmen grant citizenship to people who join their party.

3) "We checked them out ourselves because we do not recognize the authority of the Immigration Council." - eCanada does not recognize the authority of United Front's immigration approval process. In fact, it seems safe to say that most of eCanada condemns UF's policies. Turning immigration into a weapon is not an acceptable way to call for immigration reform. If you lose a vote, suck it up like an adult and deal with it like the rest of us do. MDP opposed the Immigration Council from the very start, and when it passed anyway, we put our names in to sit on it to make sure it was non-partisan and gave equal, fair representation. The committee could have had exactly one member from every party, as you envision, but no other parties decided to field any serious candidates. Your lack of representation on the council is not CPF's doing, nor MDP's, nor anyone else's. UF did not submit a serious candidate, and therefore no UF members sit on it.

4) "Our new friends will sit quietly and be good, trust us!" - Patently absurd, given their admitted history. There is no possible way we can trust Otriad members, particularly given Sheogorath's antagonistic, defiant stance towards the rest of eCanada.

5) "We were being threatened, we took defensive measures and this was our only choice!" - United Front was being "threatened" because it was posing a threat. They had other options - working with the system instead of against it, as MDP and others offered 2 months back - and chose to abandon them. As their "defense" escalates, so does the threat against the party. Essentially, Sheogorath is arguing that his Otriad friends waiting on our borders are his nuclear deterrent, and if eCanada doesn't let him walk on our backs unchecked, he pushes the big red button.

Sheogorath has essentially abandoned his approach of trying to hide his intentions. He has now taken the stance of, "I don't care what anyone else thinks, I'm going to do what I want in your country, and if you don't like it, move somewhere else."

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That's not how it works. The nation has collectively agreed to live by a common set of rules - perhaps not the rules we voted for ourselves, but the rules that were adopted for the common good. It is OUR rules that Prince Sheogorath is rejecting, while residing in OUR land. The last time I checked, our nation was not called eUnited Front.

Furthermore, he now challenges eCanada to attempt to take defensive measures against his political hostility. All while clinging to the pretense of being the victim of persecution despite his innocence, and making the claim that no one has tried talking to him. Much of this conversation is happening in the Open Door Congress on eCan's forums - any registered member can follow it.

Clearly, this situation has degraded and now threatens the security of eCanada. People are urging others to take drastic steps, and to commit unsavory acts of political sabotage. It angers me that it has come to this. Two months ago, Sheogorath seemed like a reasonable fellow taking a firm stance against the hostile political "roleplaying" of a common enemy. I defended him and his party at the time, and now regret doing so. The arguments Prince Sheogorath makes (in terms of immigration reform and political imbalance) are still worthy of consideration, but most eCanadians will never pay them any heed now that he has openly threatened us.

The gauntlet has been thrown, and it is Prince Sheogorath's claim that it was his enemies that first threw it, and that threat of sanctions against his party necessitated this current escalation. Those threats of political sanctions - blacklisting from the forums, treating his troublemaking members of congress as rogues - were not uttered without cause. Prince Sheogorath cannot go on playing the "persecuted victim" card while holding the match over the fuse.

This is OUR country. These rules are OUR rules, and everyone else follows them whether they agree with them or not. We are not the Glorious Socialist Republic of the United Front, we are eCanada. If United Front does not want to be eCanadian, and does not want to obey the rules that govern eCanada, they must move out of OUR land.

To stay lodged in eCanada, continuing to hold that lit match over that fuse, only invites destructive behaviour. One side or the other will surely win out in the end, but regardless of which side that is, deep damage will be done. Sheogorath has elected to take the path of destruction and division, and blames eCanada for his decision.