donations, gifting, and karma

Day 357, 16:02 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I've gifted a lot of people. I'm not special. Lots of people gift. I tend to gift to those who seem to need it on my friends list and lately it seems like a lot of people need it because of the war in Indonesia and I got a ton of cheap Q4 gifts while I was out of the country that I've been passing out like crazy. So lots of you have been writing back to ask me how they can return the favor.

Well, you can gift me back but you can also make a donation. See, I tend to take extra money and gift people with it (because there is only so much you can do with extra money). When I get extra money I either try to make more on the currency exchange or I buy gifts ... or both. So if you want to make a donation ... and many people have made unsolicited donations ... I will end up passing it along in the form of gifts to others eventually.

So if you are feeling like paying me back then that would be the way to do it. However, you can also just pay it forward. I've had several people write to me saying that they were not able to get to me fast enough today to gift me up so they gifted someone else. That is awesome! I say that is a great way to go about doing things and I'm glad to hear about it.

I hope that others will take up this way of looking at things. We all need help with gifting with the new wellness formula. Even at near 100 wellness it is going to be hard to stay at 100 without gifting. When you add war into that it will get even harder and more necessary to gift. Just keep an eye on the market and watch for the good deals. They won't always be Q1 gifts either. Someone will post Q3 or Q4 gifts for cheap and that's when you jump on them. If everyone gifted then we wouldn't even need the higher quality foods.