Dictatorship or no Dictatorship ?

Day 2,687, 00:34 Published in Romania Romania by Lucian1

(English version bellow)

Vreau sa discutam daca dictatura este buna sau nu pentru o tara si care sunt situatiile specifice in care dictatura e buna sau benefica si care sunt situatiie in care dictatura este rea sau destructiva.

Acestea sunt cateva situatii pe care le vad eu :

1. Un dictator care ia decizii singur si nu se consulta cu nimeni pentru sfaturi.

2. Un dictator care ia deciziile dupa ce se consulta cu un grup de oameni alesi democratic.

3. Un dictator intr-o tara care are o situatie politica instabila si partide si politicieni corupti (Dictatorul poate fi ori de primul fel ori de felul al doilea)

Acestea sunt cateva situatii care mi-au venit in minte, daca va ganditi la alte situatii, va rog comentati si discutati.

Vreau sa aflu parerea voastra despre asta.


(English version)

I want to discuss about whether or not Dictatorship is good for a country and which are the specific situations where dictatorship is good or benefic and situations where dictatorship is bad or destructive.

There are some cases that I see :

1. A dictator who make stuff by his own mind and does not consult with anyone for advices.

2. A dictator that is making decisions after consulting with a democratic elected group of people.

3. A dictator in a country that has an unstable political situation and corrupted political parties or members (The dictator could be also of first kind or the second)

Those are some situations that came to my mind, if you can think of any other, please comment and discuss.

I want to know what are your opinions about those.

Thank you,

Edit : corectare gramaticala