Democracy at Risk

Day 3,071, 08:23 Published in Ireland USA by Nogin the nog

Fellow Citizens of Ireland

your CP is trying to make you believe that Ireland is on the verge of a MTO, this is not true, the only person looking to TO Ireland is in fact himself and his "Friends".

What in fact is going on is an effort to restore the democratic process back in Ireland after it was illegally discarded and one of his "friends" funded a coup to remove me as Dictator illegally and against Ireland's Constitution

For those not fully aware of the facts this is a summary of how we are where we are at today.

Sluagh won the CP election in April, however his pre-election promise of ruling the country solely as Military Dictator was flawed, it was a promise and ambition that he was never going to be able to achieve by only winning the CP election.

To be Dictator he needed to either win the Dictator elections or start a coup and take it by force (not very democratic), certainly not by winning only the CP elections.

As a result of him being elected CP his first action was Congress and the Constitution were dissolved/torn up by him, these are actions that are illegal and contrary to the law of the land in force at the time.

He expected me to hand over Dictatorship to him unopposed, I refused and as the country's elected defensive Dictator I placed the country's assets out-with his grasp until such times as congress and the constitution are restored fully.

As Dictator It was my job to uphold the constitution and will make whatever decisions are necessary to restore the country and its assets back to a Cp with congress and the constitution restored fully (all cash is safe).

If this involves asking friends of mine to assist Ireland restore its democratically elected Dictator so be it, I've been upfront with him and offered him various options to avoid military conflict without success, I'm quite sure Sluagh and his "friends" will be assisting him also in the coming days.

I apologise for the disruption this may cause you all, but Ireland's freedom, democracy & right to a congress is paramount as laid down in its constitution and for me to walk away and leave the country in his sole hands would be neglectful of me and a betrayal of the trust put in me when i was elected your defensive dictator.

I ask you all in the coming days when sluagh starts his attempt to be the military dictator to fight on the side of right and oppose him and his attempts to return Ireland to the Dark Ages, when he and he alone will decide what you want and need.