Day two ... I found a job.

Day 313, 10:49 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I found my first job. I'm not sure how these things work and how I was selected for a job in the food industry when I was listed as wanting to work in hospital. But I'm able to earn money now. I'm not sure how I was hired and why someone would want to hire me ... but I'm making $3USD a day now.

I also have learned that I must buy food after getting an email after signing up. So I guess that the idea is to log in once a day and do your activities and just see where it goes from there. I've had very little success finding information on how this society works. So I suppose I'll just do my best till I learn more.

Apparently something called the handtohand fund offered me two gifts that improved my wellness. I'm not sure how I qualified for that. But I'm thankful. So far I've joined a political party, joined the military, gotten a job and I've started this paper. Not bad for my second day.