Day 1,620/21

Day 1,621, 04:31 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Arcanic Mindje
Men in Suits v Gorillas!

The CP Electios race is heating up as 2 main candidates face out for the Dutch vote.

Lets Look what they promise to bring:

- Focus on EDEN -
Internationally we should get closer at getting into EDEN. We have to work hard for that.

- Deadline on the Military Council -
The Military Council is under development for several months now. It's time to finish this project, or change course to an alternative solution.

- Daily Supply System for our Young Soldiers -
The Young Soldiers of eNetherlands can expect supplies on a daily base. Requirments will be activity on IRC and fighting based on orders of the Dutch Army.

- Coaching & Masterclasses -
Continue the current coaching and masterclass programs and improve them where possible

- Panem et circenses -
eNetherlands is slowly falling asleep. We need some cool programs, to keep the community active. I am thinking for example on giving supplies unexpectedly to everyone who has a Dutch Citizenship and is active on the IRC channel during e.g. 15 minutens.


Daily supplies for all citizens -
Why should your taxes go to only the new players? They should go to all players. Our country currently receives such a high daily income that supplies should be handed out daily. This is good for our economy and gets players young an old to be active. My only requirement is that you are on the #nl-army IRC channel.

• Increased IRC activity -
During my last term as CP we saw that activity greatly increased with the war with Belgium. The war was a success, and we got our community to be active once more! My belief is that IRC makes the community! For those who do not know what IRC is, its basically an online messaging system! Communication makes a Community!

• Communes-
Seeing that we have a number of state owned companies, nothing is being done with them! That is why I wish to reinstate the communes! Meaning that you work for the gov against minimum wage in exchange for multiple daily supplies!

• EDEN –
At the end of my last term we got the ball rolling on gaining full membership in EDEN. However after my term, nothing happened. My goal is to go after this from day two, because the first day will be used to get over a victory celebration!

• National government –
The chance to apply for government positions has been a success since its implementation. My opponent has decided to use this as well. While the national government is not written into the constitution it has been quickly accepted as an effective manner to govern. This gives everyone the chance to take part and help out!

Both Candidates are offering Dutch citizens a form of what Government position you like to apply:

ElGorro - FORM
Auggustus - FORM

Goodluck to both Candidates!

Be on your Guard!

It is an alert of a possible invasion by Poland as they drawing closer to our borders.

I advise all Citizens to stock up on food and weapons alongside saving up on bazookas and food bars incase of an invasion!

Bread = 0.54NLG (0.46)
Q6 Food = 3.41NLG (3.46)
Minigun = 5.74NLG (5.74)
Q6 Weapon = 35.99NLG (34.9😎