CP steps down, BAF looking for new Commander, Wiki War and more !

Day 1,393, 09:28 Published in Belgium Belgium by Critically

Domestic News:

Mass resignation of Government!

2 government members has resigned of his job today. The State Secretary of Defence, Xironn and the Minister of Justice, Konrad. The President has put himself "inactive" for a while and he put the VP, Jamster737 as president. He want to take a break because he made too much errors and want to think about it.

Earlier his term, the State Secretary of Education has resigned too. That brings the balance on 3 government members and the CP himself!

BAF is looking for new Commander

The Belgian Armed forces is looking for a new commander because the old general, Gerbdeblee, resigned from his duties. Soldier of BAF can apply and the High Command will pick the best candidate!

Analyse of law proposals

Jofroi asked the Supreme Court to analyse the law proposal of MonsieurGuillontine about creating a Senate. The people that are in the senate are there to moderate the national forum and the IRC channels of eBelgium.

Chairman of Congress

MonsieurGuillontine launched a vote to appoint a Chairman of Congress. This guy/woman should make debating clean of insults and stuff as there were too much insults in the past !

Far-Right Anarchists in eBelgium

A new party has been created. The Bunny Kommander party is a far-right anarchistic party and is under command of Volsem.
Their party discription is this: The Bunny Kommander Party is a party dedicated to bunnies, to direct democracy, and in fight against the evil USA and other imperialist countries and their PTO. And death to all the pseudo-communist revisionists who behave like the servile dogs of USA. Belgian Bunnies über alle!
Anarchism 😕= democracy as far as I know, but okay, good luck to this party!

Belgian Civil War on eWiki

The Belgian Civil war is now fought on the wikipages of MonsieurGuillontine, current president, and the main page of Belgium. Wardists complain that the unofficial National forum shouldn't be on the Belgian Wiki Page. After the Gay Revolution, we have now come to a next phase ? The Wiki-war ? Let's see what the wiki-admins will do about it!

Cultural News

New BoDi award

Kylero has decided to create his own BoDi Award and give the winner of it 5 golds. The BoDi award of The Kylero Commitment to National Security Award. This BoDi award will be handed out to the person and I quote Kylero: Awarded to the eBelgian that consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that our nation is kept secure from PTOs, Multis, and/or eRepubliks.


I hope you liked my article!
Have a nice day!
