CP November Elections and the RFA

Day 708, 11:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hey guys 🙂

This article won’t be in following with my other articles. It won’t be about the foreign affairs of the world or specific foreign affairs in individual countries in the world or their histories.

No, this article will be partially concerning the other passion I have in eRep; the RFA. But not just a random subject with the RFA, no, rather the RFA’s decision regarding the Country Presidential elections on the 5th of November.

But for a tad of background (since I love history, aren’t I cool? 8] ) on the situation in the UK at the moment.

UKRP was once our biggest and strongest party in the UK, wherever they went they won. CP elections were largely uncontested and we saw a very right wing time in politics for us. Then, SaraDroz was elected as CP and due to several mistakes leading to what was viewed as an awful term, suddenly the UKRP began faltering.

Kumnaa got into power in an immensely close election with JerryGFL and began leading the UK as part of the “Real eUK Government” which became known as “the Cabal”. Next month, Hassan began running, again under the TUP banner against a UKRP candidate, and although both times, the elections were close both times the UKRP lost. The TUP were on the rise.

As we got into GLaDOS’ reign over us, the TUP has become invincible, despite massive number differences it crushed the UKRP (which was quickly declining in numbers and in active and contributing members). However, despite GLaDOS changing parties and this time running under the newly formed FDP (which was made up of mostly members of the “Cabal”) he lost against TUP’s candidate, Mr Woldy. This showed to the UK that finally, candidate doesn’t matter, party does. Now, I add that Woldy is a good candidate, I just meant that the public voted for TUP both times, once for GLaDOS, once against despite no obvious failing.

TUP has become what was believed to be invincible at the ballot box.

Then UK-left was born. PCP and TUP began massively supporting each other creating UK-Left, effectively ending the difference between their parties. At the same time in response to this, right wing parties began to seek alliances and protect each other from this new socialist threat (mildly overdramatic? I think so…)

So where does this leave the RFA in my opinion? In the centre, where we will stay as long as I have a say. We are neutral and I have every intention of retaining this neutrality in my term as PP, although I will look into what’s best for the party in the long-term.

What did the RFA look for in deciding it’s candidate?

We wanted the candidate who we believed would show our neutrality. Who was qualified and experienced however. We don’t want to be part of the silly arguments that are tearing our nation apart. Party politics are bad, always remember that kiddos. So yeah, in November 2009 the RFA are fielding AltmerVampire (or moi) as our CP candidate.

I’ll keep this article short by finishing around here. But before I leave you until my next article with my platform, I wanna say good luck to both Aelar and Woldy. Both are fantastic guys, I love ‘em both. This is not anything personal against them, and I know that no matter who wins this election, the UK will be in safe hands 🙂

So thanks for your time,

PS: Join the eUK forums please 🙂 Thanks 😉