Congressional Update

Day 467, 17:18 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

As promised, an update on my doings in Congress.

For starters, the PANEC plan has been continued to be put in place. Though I approved of the Oil tax, I have voted no to the rest so far (House, Moving Tickets, Weapons) and will continue to do so for all the 'consumable' goods.

Additionally, a string of proposals on transferring foreign currency to Fort Knox for Sam and/or his successor to switch to gold are being brought up (starting today with Greek money). I will be voting yes, as I consider this to be common sense. We got money, let's put it into a usable form. I will also be sponsoring the proposal for IED (Irish money!).

Finally, we are currently in discussions on some MPPs. Update when I know more.

Also, congratulations to everyone who fought in the war against Mexico. I know there's a lot of things out there, and I want to assure everyone that this is NOT a random war for imperial gain. I voted for the war because it was obvious that Mexico, which had been taken over by foreigners, and was prepping to sign MPPs with PEACE nations, was unstable. We could not afford to have PEACE allowing their supposed 'allies' to be overrun by goons and then signing treaties with them simply to threaten America. We acted because our friends in Mexico were ousted, and since Mexico's 'friends' didn't step in, we did. Plus, we surpassed Indonesia to rank as the number two nation in the New World as a result of the war in Mexico!


PA Congressman

"Who watches the watchers?"