Congress elections

Day 2,677, 08:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


After break of not writting and sorting out my real life duties,I am finnaly free and ready to play this game and to be with all my eFriends from all countries of this eWorld as well as to be with my Party colleagues and with all of the Party membership.[img] Jardon[/img]

As probably all of the citizenry and eUK public knows,Party Presidency elections and all eUK Parties got new Party Presidents who will prepared their membership for upcoming Parliament/Congress elections.So after PP elections finished,the final results showed that almoust nothing hasn"t change.
-The Unity Party got Nohijs as new Party President
-The-United-Kingdom-Progressive Party-UKPP got good old Crispy(re-elected)
-The United Kingdom Reform Party once again choosed Wook as PP
-The Workers Right Party got Aleksandar V.Popovic-Alex Popovic(me) 😉 as new PP.

So basicly hasn"t changed anything at all.All the Parties will take preparations for upcoming Congress elections,so as the WRP.WRP values freedom,democracy and active members who will fight for what is right and for stronger our beloved eUK.

The economy of eUK are stable and rising and productivity are rising too.Previous Congress approved increasing Work Tax and WRP valued as correct,now it"s time to reduce it and bringing back to 2%.
1% will have impact on economy and will create slight deficit of the UK economy and further and faster spending money from the Country account on current and upcoming events by signing MPP-s with allied countries,seting DO"s and CO"s from MoD.
2% will ensure the right directions of eUK economy and will slow spending and will erased trails of might caused inflations as well as will have surplus in the Treasury.

The Workers Right Party congressional list will be presented to the public in upcoming days.The WRP will be in congressional coalitions with the Party Every-Single-One-ESO.ESO members proven to be greatly welcomed and appriciated for the last congressional elections and proven themselves and to WRP as fairly,fine and pleasent members who are representing both Parties(ESO and WRP) in the Congress and their work showned reflection of this coallition.

The Workers Right Party will warm welcomed ESO members who will be running under WRP banner as previously been welcomed.Cooperation and coalition between two parties were set last month and the result proven to be excellent.There were talks and meeting between 2 Party Presidents Alex Popovic and Krifect.

The cooperations and mutual friendship and understanding will improve relations with this 2 fine Parties.The meeting were held via PM"s and on irc chat channell.Both Presidents agreed that whether ESO or WRP will have own candidates that both candidates will be under consideration from both parties memberships and the final outcome will be presented to the eUK public in time.

That"s all falks for today.See you next time,might even before Congress elections 🙂.Stay tuned 😉.

Your Director and editor of the "BRITISH GUARDIAN"
Aleksandar V.Popovic