Congress Elections; Interviews PP's

Day 2,261, 10:07 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

Today I've got two new articles for you; The interviews with the Top 5 Party Presidents, and The interviews with the Non-Top 5 Party Presidents. This article is about the interviews with the Top 5 Party Presidents.

So for those who forgot the results of the Congress Elections, here they are;

GPN 42 votes 30.43%
DNL 28 votes 20.29%
DRP 27 votes 19.57%
VVN 24 votes 17.39%
L;NL 17 votes 12.32%

Well, Let's start with the interviews!

The first interview is with the party president, of the biggest party in our nation; M. de Ruyter!

1. What do you think of the results of the Congress Elections?
Tbh I think the results got tampered with by all the indesrcretions that where used by several parties.

2. Are you happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
We'll have to find out this coming month. Sadly I already see at least one CM that stated on several occassions that he doesn't visit the forum often, and I'd like members of Congress to be active there.

3. Is your party happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
Because of the malversations we now lack one seat, so we are not that happy with these results.

4. Do you think you and your party have won or lost during this election? Why?
see point 3

5. With which party would you like to work with in the congress?
GPN would like to cooperate with all parties, to make eNL a better ans stronger country.

6. Which problems does your party wants to solve?
We should solve the racism and xenofoby that is currently raising it's ugly head.

We need to work hard, by using the right people with the right contacts to get us into this new anti Srbia alliance.

We need to players of eNL to be more united.

7. What is your party’s opinion of the eNetherlands? (On Military, Economic field etc.)
As a country we're still weak, we need bigger numbers to play a role of any kind in this e-world.

8. What are your predictions of the next Congress Elections?
I have absolutely no idea. It depends, can this creating of multies, and them getting into some parties during the night before election be stopped? Also the raising of dead players, with the sole purpose on having them vote, and then returning back to inactivity.

9. Have you got anything left to say to the New Congress?
Check your facts, read a lot, and get well informed, all this before you make statements.

10. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Stop being racists and or xenophobic. The new players we got from abroad are here to cooperate with us imo. I don't believe they are here to PTO the country. Stop the hate, and let's find joy in playing the game again.

Well that was the interview with the Party President of GPN, we will go on with the Party President of the second largest party in our nation; ElGorro!

1. What do you think of the results of the Congress Elections?
The turnout of the elections was affected by the use of multies. Therefor I cannot be happy with these elections.

2. Are you happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why? Without the use of multies, there probably would be a different set of Congress Members. It would be best for democracy to have the Congress in place only based on real votes.

3. Is your party happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?

For DemNL the turnout was good. Probably because of voters from other parties, as their own party wasn't a vote option.

4. Do you think you and your party have won or lost during this election? Why?
We won, definitially. We had 4 in a 30 seat Congress before. Now we have 4 seats in a 20 seat congress. That's from 13% to 20%. But like stated earlier, probably because of voters from other parties, as their own party wasn't a vote option.

5. With which party would you like to work with in the congress?
We will work together with every party that has proposals to stimulate democracy, freedom, transparency, responsibility and respect

6. Which problems does your party wants to solve?
Our focus is in democracy, freedom, transparency, responsibility and respect. We are always looking for ways to change or improve there.

7. What is your party’s opinion of the eNetherlands? (On Military, Economic field etc.)
Focus of the last year or so with most of all GPN governments, were in focus on Private controlled Military Units, what set the State Military Units on a low priority. We think descisions should be made to or abandon them or to organize them properly. Having the Commander of the biggest Private Military Unit as Country President, doesn't remove the responsibility to organize the state Military Units properly.
We made big wins in making the finance more Transparent. Mainly because of motions made by DemNL. We will continue to review the acts of the goverment on this and if needed we will open the debate. But at the moment, we are happy with the measures taken by the Minister of Finance.

8. What are your predictions of the next Congress Elections?
DemNL will work hard to keep the same amount of votes or get a few more. Stabilty is more important than quick member increases for one or two months.

9. Have you got anything left to say to the New Congress?
DemNL will work hard to keep the same amount of votes or get a few more. Stabilty is more important than quick member increases for one or two months.

10. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Don't forget eRepublik is a game. Let's try to have some fun together. That doesn't mean we should all unite. Having different parties with different thoughts on stuff is great!
Now we will go on with the Party President of Libertas; NoTie112!

1. What do you think of the results of the Congress Elections?
I'm neutral on the outcome of the elections. The balance of power is roughly the same, although the entry of a ''new'' party is exciting.

2. Are you happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
I'm happy with the new Congress: A lot of new faces and a small but active Congress.

3. Is your party happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
Of course we regret the loss of 2 Congress Seats (We now have 2 instead of 4), which is part due to lesser activity, but also partly due to the fact we only have 20 seats, instead of 30 last month. We're very happy to announce though, that the 'party leadership' of Libertas stepped down from the first places of the candidate list to bring in new ones: Therefore we introduce new promising players to Congress, like Basjoh & Goemies.

4. Do you think you and your party have won or lost during this election? Why?
We have lost some influence relatively, but we think this term will prove valuable to the growth of Libertas as a serious movement and perhaps a win in long term strategy.

5. With which party would you like to work with in the congress?
We have our preferred allies, but in Congress party politics luckily don't prevail that much. Instead, each discussion and vote is being executed on it's own merit and we at Libertas happily go along with that.

6. Which problems does your party wants to solve?
Transparency issues, lackluster government policy and population decline

7. What is your party’s opinion of the eNetherlands? (On Military, Economic field etc.)
The current geopolitical situation gives even the eNetherlands, which lacks on all field, to actually be of slight importance. I hope the ones on the throne will act upon it, instead of letting the opportunity pass.

8. What are your predictions of the next Congress Elections?
Sadly, I think we'll get elements in Congress we don't want there and threaten the eNetherlands. Few take this threat serious and any effort, if taken, will be little too late.

9. Have you got anything left to say to the New Congress?
Take note of the immigration protocol all Congress Members are obligated to follow, or blacklisting will be the result. This should really be stressed, especially now.

10. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Citizens: Become involved! Every party and military unit is hungry for active individuals and the dire situation eNetherlands now is in requires every man to serve for his flag.

And now we go one with the Party President of Vrij en Veilig Nederland (VVN); Weekstrom!

1. What do you think of the results of the Congress Elections?
I’m happy we as VVN could hold on to increasing results. This were the 5th elections in a row where our percentage of congress seats increased.
It saddens me however that we had quite a large controversy with party members. It’s common practice amongst a few parties to recruit members from other parties before the elections and lately we’ve seen tactical movement of players to other parties to get in congress as well, but what happened during the last elections is worrying to say the least. Mind you; I’m not pointing fingers as I don’t know what happened, I only noticed the result.

2. Are you happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
Looking at VVN I am. What other parties will bring will remain to be seen. I have high hopes however about the contribution DRP “members” will bring.

3. Is your party happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
As explained above; We are.

4. Do you think you and your party have won or lost during this election? Why?
Once again we won; Percentage of seats during the last 6 elections for VVN; 10%, 11,8%, 15%, 16,7% and now 20%. How could we not have won. And I’m glad to say the majority is well known to at least one other party member so we have no apparent thread in our midst although we have our doubts about one person that did run directly after entering the party and that is not responding to questions. But as we could easily put him/her on a non electable place there was no thread. Needless to say we keep a close eye as always.

5. With which party would you like to work with in the congress?
We don’t mind the party. We want the best persons for a job and the best solutions for our problems. That may never be blocked due to party politics and I don’t think there is a party we can’t work with.

6. Which problems does your party wants to solve?
We’re still facing a lack of unity in eNL. It’s even spreading within some parties it seems. That’s our main problem. Besides that our military is sliding further and further and needs serious rework with active commanders and coaches.
We could do with an active base of players that look at financial issues as well. With that I mean matters like organising communes or other investments. Although asked for several times it seems no one is actually interested in forming a solid base of players that develops plans along with making a “business case” to use that term.
Although I would love to do all those maths I simply don’t have the time due to a busy RL schedule and the loads of work to be done as MoF dept.

7. What is your party’s opinion of the eNetherlands? (On Military, Economic field etc.)
I seem to have a habbit in answering questions that are not yet stated 😉. So I’d say most is already answered.

8. What are your predictions of the next Congress Elections?
I fear we will see even more controversy and as I stated the previous time as well if I recall correctly; We’re facing a rather large PTO thread due to the large aount of (very) small parties. And although I admire someone like James that focuses at one specific goal; His action to create yet another party is a huge thread. BG this time rushed 15 members just before the elections. It aint hard to imagine what will happen at a small party when someone with bad intentions manages to actually pull it off. There is no way the party can counter an action like that if you don’t have al least 20-25 members that you can reach immediately to counteract.
Who will be the parties running for congress? I'd say the same as we have now but perhaps Libertas will be exchanged with I&W. It will all depend on how parties will recruit members. If you do it the "normal" way not much will change. Big changes are always caused by some artificial form of growing.

9. Have you got anything left to say to the New Congress?
Lets do it together! We’re here to serve eNL, not our party alone!

10. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Don’t let all kinds of irritating or frustrating political discussions spoil the fun of the game. There are always two sides to a story and if you only know one side it’s very hard to judge. You can presume things, but not judge!

And now you will read the interview with the Party President of the Dutch Revolutionary Party; Schoft!

1. What do you think of the results of the Congress Elections?
Results reflect the activity of the parties if you ask me. The thing what is the bad thing is the rise of BG due to multies used and of best thing is them just missing out. I still raise my eyebrows by the influx of new members that join 2 parties in the 24 hours leading up to election day.

2. Are you happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
The 135 odd voters have chosen, only if these are all active citizens I am happy with the result. But the question is are the citizens of eNL happy with the result.

3. Is your party happy with the new Congress? Yes/No why?
As it is no secret DRP have joined up with DPP and some BG members. We are happy that from the 30 members there were 27 votes. Which is a good result for us.

4. Do you think you and your party have won or lost during this election? Why?
Compared to last month we are even in the senate seats, but as a combined entity I am ecstatic about the result.

5. With which party would you like to work with in the congress?
Looking at the parties that were represented I think the answer is there. We are still working to come even closer together.

6. Which problems does your party wants to solve?
I know immigration is a hot topic at the moment and hope to see some of the red tape being cut

7. What is your party’s opinion of the eNetherlands? (On Military, Economic field etc.)
As a small nation you face a number of challenges but the key in my opinion is in the new alliances and where stand in those.

8. What are your predictions of the next Congress Elections?
There will be multies again, but I hope I will be proven wrong.

9. Have you got anything left to say to the New Congress?
If I had anything to say I would be a public speaker. 😉

10. Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eNetherlands?
Please refer to question #9. But on a serious note choose the alliance we are in wisely.

I hope you have enjoyed this article!

And as some of you maybe already noticed, these questions are the same as with the previous article. If you have a question that you really want to add to this list, you can PM me and I will add him to the question list!

What I also want to mention is ; That I've been elected as a Congress Member these Elections, and I want to thank everybody that voted on Democratisch Nederland via this article!

As always please vote and subscribe guys!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror