Congress Calls, Vote Black Sheep!

Day 2,407, 09:41 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Greetings eUSA! It's been one interesting month in Congress under the Black Sheep Party. We first entered congress with one goal in our heads, and that was to make things easier and better for the average eUSA citizen. Well I am here to tell you we will be continuing with that goal- and I will tell you one of the things we accomplished so far that I for one, am quite proud of. (You can probably guess it already.)

It's been a good month in Congress, and I am hoping we get to see and even better one next month. I hope by the end of this I will have shown you that the way to secure a better future for the eUSA citizen and for eUSA as a whole, is to vote Black Sheep.

Time to announce what I'm so proud of. Can you guess it? Are you ready? Because..
We did it! Our goal of lowering the work tax and putting more money into the hands of the eUSA citizen has been accomplished! While it's not as much as some people would have hoped, we managed to push a vote through that lowered your work tax from 10% to 8%, even with the odds against us with most of the other Top Five Parties openly denouncing our desire to lower the work tax.

It took a lot of numbers, a lot of debating, and a lot of patience to come to finally reach this goal- but we've done it. Now we hope to accomplish even more to further improve the quality of life for the average citizen, but we can't do it without you! The more seats we have in Congress the easier it will be for us to try to improve the average citizen's life, and I hope now that you've seen we can come through with our promises- You, the average eUSA citizen, will allow us to come back to Congress just as strong in numbers as we were this previous month, or hopefully even stronger this upcoming month, so that we may try to do our best to improve your experience in this great country we have- and to improve this great country of ours altogether. We are a sleeping beast my fellow eAmericans. Lets wake up!

Our accomplishments are a direct result of you, all of you who have supported us this far in. By going to the ballots and supporting the party that represents you the best, you are taking the government into your own hands. And personally, I'd say you've all done an amazing job at it. Continue to take your future into your own hands! Take your government back! Take the Black!

I would like to personally thank everyone that voted for us previously for two things.

#1. Allowing us the voice we needed to reach the goals that you supported.

#2. By allowing that strength, allowing me to experience my first term in Congress, which has been one heck of a learning experience.

I hope you all will come back and vote for us again, and that those who did not vote for us last month will come along and vote for us as well as we try to represent the entire nation's citizen population as a whole. I hope to see you all on the ballots, and all in another successful month in the eUSA congress!

Vote Black Sheep for Congress!

The Black Sheep Party
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