Coalition, a Take

Day 2,560, 19:46 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke

Hey everyone, so I just wanted to put out a little opinion piece on coalitions and where I see them in Canada. First off congratulations on the 3 parties for coming together as a unit to add a “third” voice to Canadian Politics. It requires a lot of trust, and some negotiating to reach a common goal together.

So where does the need of a Coalition come from? Often it is a force to add a strong enough voice to several smaller factions or groups, and as such that is what it seems like is happening now. My understanding is that there is a need to offer a 3rd and viable choice to the MDP or CPF led environment. I see this as a very good thing on paper, as constructive input, more options, and more involvement are often beneficial to any political sphere. But where does the need from each individual party come from? On a congressional level, a Coalition does not really change much in terms of Congressional elections, as each individual party within the coalition will most likely vote for themselves, unless there are not enough proposed candidates for a certain party and extra votes would be wasted. Also, a well-constructed Coalition and Policy(s) may convince the small group of independent voters to vote for a party within the Coalition.

Within Congress a said Coalition can use its collective weight to help move votes or policies in a certain direction, that is, when said Coalition has a clear and outlined policy and goals they wish to reach. The thing is, within eRep politics, the ideas of Liberal, Conservative, right wing, left wing, back hand and five hole, are all just fancy titles that really don’t have much meaning. I wish they did, as it would make things more interesting, but look at the Hippy like CPF party, and you will see Klop and I taking on huge roles to ensure Canada is a war machine. Seems counter intuitive, but that’s because political labels are nerfed in this game.

What does the PFC gain from a Coalition? I would hope pushing our community to be more inclusive to our French players. Also there was a recent event regarding 3 CS approvals, in which at least one member suggested large changes to the IC would be coming. Other than that though, I do not know exactly what issues are unique and dire to the PFC that they need collective support to try and change.

What does the IW gain from a Coalition? The Imperial Wolves have always been easy to work with before, they offer some solid Congress members, and I am happy to work with Punisher, Darkmos, Oinyo etc. The thing is, I don’t know what exactly the IW’s stand for in terms of general policy etc other than perhaps the removal of the eCan forums. This is something I do not agree with, because I believe open discussion is valuable. Since there has been next to nothing in terms of political debate or discussion coming from the IW through in game articles, it would seem that they are already too lazy to do it in game, so any removal of the forums would just crush further open and free discussion.

Lastly is SUFFER, a new party with a lot of steam to try and lead them to the top. Since they are such a young party, a solid foundation of core values and beliefs has not yet been established. Let’s see where they go from here.

So from my understanding, there are no huge issues that any of the 3 parties need to rally together to change. Do both SUFFER and the PFC wish to remove the forums? Instead, what I think is happening is simple a desire to have more power. We in the CPF are quite used to be called the hippy elites, and I am sure many will want to remind us of that in the comment section (thanks in advance) but my sweet fuck, do you honestly think the country just runs itself? There are many bad apples in Congress, some of which come from the CPF, I fully know that and want to change that. But at the end of the day, to get where we are, people need to do work. From the coalition there are some really solid people, but most of what I am hearing about Canada’s current situation is excuses. We suck here because the CPF is too big, and we suck there because the MDP is too bull headed.

In order for this Coalition to move forward, it has to offer actual goals, actual change, and to then follow through with it. As Chochi made note, there is nothing stopping anyone from moving forward here. Propose your tax change ideas, alliance switches, MPPs, Training Programs, MU funding, War Funding, Immigration changes or whatever else through in game articles. See what the Canadian population wants, what they are looking for, then do the work needed and provide it for them. If we look at the evil forums, the PFC made only one topic (today) and SUFFER (DMV) has made 2 topics, again everything else is from the CPF or MDP. If you can refer me to said discussions that took place through PMs or Articles here, then I will add them, but you can see that it is not a very open means of dialogue.

In all, these are my general thoughts to this Coalition, and of past Coalitions as well. I am sure many will take this article as an attack, or some elitist jargon etc. but I am an active player here and this is what I see. There is good potential for you guys, I honestly think so, but as I said about Prince Sheogoraths party, if you want to get somewhere, you have to work for it. Heck Rylde gave me his login info incase Canada needed something, look back several months ago and that would have never happened, but we worked together for a common goal, and that is for our Country.

Let’s continue our work to keep Canada great!
