CLM Volume 1: The Inaugural Edition

Day 657, 21:01 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC
TemujinCP - kabinet dan beberapa lulz

salam semua,

pemenang dari "TemujinCP Slave for a Week" adalah

September 5-11: url=]PupuJuku[/url]

September 12-18: Raihan Indrawan

September 19-25: paijo bin karsun

September 26 - Oct 5 (bonus days!): lonely christine

selamat kepada para pemenang ~_^



jika saya terpilih menjadi presiden pada 5 september nanti, Gov akan diisi oleh :

President : TemujinBC

VP : Admiral Proudmoore

MoCI : Demon War

MoFA team : Nurmillaty dengan LarasDea dan Kertajaya

MoD team : Blaggard sebagai MoD, Cimporong sebagai Commander TNeI, angky akan tunjukkan pentilmu

Minister of Social Development : GadjahMadaa

Minister of Mahomaxxxx : Gavin Narande

Ada beberapa kesempatan bagi para pemain untuk membantu gov. Tanyakan pada saya untuk tau lebih lanjut



Sangat sulit bagi saya untuk memberikan proker yang komprehensif untuk bulan ini, karena Admin bisa merubah peraturan game dan membuat rencana saya menjadi tidak berarti. Walaupun begitu, ada beberapa prioritas yang akan saya lakukan pada September ini

Prioritas 1 - Mengembalikan Region asli Indonesia

ini harus tercapai secepat mungkin dari hari pemilihan (election day), karena kita sudah menandatangani perjanjian NAP dengan USA. semua region yang belum berada pada tangan indonesia pada tanggal 6 september, akan dikembalikan ke tangan kita lagi secepat mungkin.

Prioritas 2 - Tendang Romper dan Teman Croatia nya dari Asia

tidak ada yang baik dari memiliki Croatia sebagai tetangga kita. sorry jika saya kasar, tapi mereka harus cabut 😃

Prioritas 3 - Air Strike

Indonesia akan menggunakan Air Strike. Tentunya, saya tidak bisa mengatakan kepada siapa, karena saya mau gak mau bikin rencana ini gak surprise lagi ~_^ Tapi itu sepertinya akan menyenangkan, dan saya senang sesuatu yang menyenangkan.

Prioritas 4 - Keaktifan dan Jangkauan Keluar

Saya ingin memastikan para pemain untuk mendapatkan supply, dan bagi para pemain baru (nubi) juga akan mendapatkan dorongan yang bagus pada hidup mereka. Ini adalah pencapaian utama di channel #mentornubi di IRC, tapi juga pencapaian yang baik bagi pemberitaan di media. Saya akan melihat New Citizen's Message (pesan yang akan diterima para nubi baru) dan mendiskusikannya dengan kongres jika harus terdapat perubahan.

Terima kasih banyak untuk mendukung saya di 5 September nanti.

Peluk dan Cium


TemujinCP - Cabinet and Platform (but first some lulz)

Greetings friends,

The winners of the “TemujinCP Slave for a Week” competition are:

September 5-11: PupuJuku

September 12-18: Raihan Indrawan

September 19-25: paijo bin karsun

September 26 - Oct 5 (bonus days!): lonely christine

Congratulations to the four winners ~_^



If I am elected President on September 5th, the government will include:

President - TemujinBC

Vice President - Admiral Proudmoore

MoCI - Demon War

MoFA team - Nurmillaty with LarasDea and KertaJaYa

MoD team- Blaggard as MoD. Cimporong as Commander of TNeI. Angky will tunjukkan pentilmu for the troops entertainment.

Minister of Social Development: GadjahMadaa

Minister of Mahomaxxxx: Gavin Narande

There are some opportunities for other players to help in government. Please ask me for more details.



It is difficult to give a comprehensive platform for the entire month, because the Admins may change the rules of the game and make my plans meaningless. However, there are some priorities I have for the month of September.

Priority 1 - Restore Indonesian original regions

This should nearly be complete by election day, because we have signed a non-aggression pact with the United States. Any regions not in Indonesian hands on the 6th of the month will be returned as soon as possible.

Priority 2 - Remove Romper and his Croatian Friends from Asia

Nothing good can come from having the Croats in our neighborhood. Sorry to be a rude host, but they must go 😃

Priority 3 - Air Strike

Indonesia will be using an Air Strike. Of course I cannot say who it will be used against, because that would ruin the surprise ~_^ But it seems like fun, and I like to have fun.

Priority 4 - Activity and Outreach

I would like to ensure all players have a chance to receive supplies, and for all new players to have a good boost to their new life. This is best accomplished on IRC in #mentornubi, but will also be accomplished in the news media. I will look at the New Citizen’s Message and discuss with congress about any needed changes.

Thank you very much for considering me on September 5th.

Hugs and Kisses,


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ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) Don't forget your MAHO FIST ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)


Welcome to the first edition of Canadian Liberty Magazine.

It is my hope for this magazine to become a lighthouse for liberty-minded people in Canada.

For this first volume I will introduce myself, describe some of my experiences thusfar as an eCitizen, and explain the basic political and philosophical platform for this newspaper going forward.

First, my name is TemujinBC and I've been an eCitizen since August 28, 2009. I found eRepublik through a banner ad, of all things. Typically I do not click through ads, but the virtual community seemed intriguing and so here I am. Currently I reside in Alberta (due in large part to the Q5 hospital), but I make my home in northern BC.

As a relative noob, there has not been a lot of major activity to speak of. My first job was with McNasty Wood Q3, though I am currently employed by CI Foods. I became a member of the Canadian Paradox Party as soon as I was able, and have fought for Canada and our allies in such places as Idaho, California, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut.

Over the past week or so, I have had many amazing experiences with fellow citizens of eRepublik. I became friends with Scorpius, as well as Sharanor on my second day. Both are high-level and highly-respected Canadians. Much to my surprise, Sharanor donated several food to me, and Scorpius pointed me towards a very helpful article written by Booleus. To say they were helpful would be an understatement.

Although I was a level 3 and unable to help Canada win back territory, I discovered that a well-timed gift could help the wellness of those who were fighting to restore Canada. I noticed that VonHauer was the Canadian hero in Nunavut, and promptly gave him a Q2 gift. It was not much, but he certainly appreciated it and friended me immediately. There are other stories I could share, but sufficed to say it is clear to me that Canada is the right choice for citizenship. The people here are generally fantastic, and will freely assist new citizens.

Lastly, this magazine will primarily be focused on subjects such as individual liberty, free markets, war, peace and how each affects the individual in Canada. While I may at times find other subjects to discuss, the ultimate goal is for this newspaper to be the most consistent advocate for freedom in this nation. We stand at an important time in Canadian history. Soon we will have all thirteen territories purged of aggressive invaders (of this, I have no doubt). There is great opportunity for this nation to be a shining example of peace and prosperity. There is also great risk of tyranny by well-meaning "Big Brothers". May the latter never be, and the former come soon.

Thank you all so very much for reading the first installment of Canadian Liberty Magazine.