Clanky4 IS running for party president in the DPP again.

Day 966, 10:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Hello again from me, clanky4. I will once again be running for party president position of the DPP. Now some of you may know me as the former party president and occasional forum goer, or you may not know me at all.

Healthy Newbie Program
This was something that I had tried to get restarted during my last term as party president. Sadly we never accomplished getting the program to be self sufficient. With the implication of V2 and it's removal of gifts this program simply will be unable to continue.

Congressional Election
I know that this is the main job of the party president and I intend to do my best to help organize this election. I would like to get all party presidents together and decide on our national official congress candidates. So that as few votes are wasted as possible. This will mean that we will not get as many candidates in but we may just be able to stop the PTO from getting in as many candidates. I would also like to try to get in only active congressmen. We may not be able to only get active congressmen in but I would like to get in as many as possible.

Inter Party Communication
There is of course the PTO threat of our country. We must unite to stop it. We need more communication between parties and all eMalaysians. I would like to have a meeting with the other party presidents/leaders of eMalaysian parties so that we can better organize ourselves and so that we do not repeat our failure from the last congressional election.

Vote for clanky4 in the Party Presidential election for the DPP