Choosing good allies and being pragmatic.

Day 785, 22:16 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

It's been a long time since I have written anything so let's start with a brand new article to kick off the new year (yep it's been a while alright).

I'll talk about two things that came to my mind lately. Criteria to choose a good ally and on a more serious note my evolution in becoming more pragmatic. Of course most of this stuff is from the experience I had as a soldier and being MoFA for 2 terms.

I've heard a lot lately about having allies in uncommon nation or Phoenix nations. Well here is the few things you should consider when you pick a new or former allies.

-Check the country history for any backstabber behavior.

-Make sure that you are not in an alliance that is fighting the other country alliance. It always ends in confusion and misunderstanding.

-Check for any RL prejudice.

-Check if the country you are seeking friendship has a very unstabble or turn-coat political class.

-Try to look in government publishing if the administration is always putting the blame on other country.

-Check the ressource of the other country, if he's bordering you and you have more ressource than he does, you better be damn sure that he's on good term with the fact that life is not fair for everyone.

-Try to pick a country with more than 50 active citizen. that might be helpfull if you ever get invaded.

-Never make any deal with someone who's eating fish and chips, it's already been proved that only a failtacular ending is possible.

Now moving on to a more serious matter.

I've grown more pragmatic as I've almost played this game for a year. I remember when I started how much I was against Imperialism and that we should always fight the good fight! Well it's still true but everything is not black and white. The grey area is a lot bigger than I first tought to begin with. As I realised it's not only a matter of is it moral or not, as an elected or appointed officials, one should always look for the safety of it's own nation and making it better. That doesnt mean that you need to be selfish, in this regard the long term is important here. As losing your nation to win a war is a price that could be benificial in the long run. Most notably in establishing a trust between you and your allies.

Being pragmatic also involve having a different look on a few event in the world news. For instance a few country have dissappeared lately, and mostly Phoenix country. We saw recently Slovenia and Germany got wiped off the map, and to a lesser extent France being on the verge of saying goodbye. Let's take each case on a separate approach. And these are not official opinion, just a set of feeling I currently have toward these nations.


Canada and France signed peace in november. I didnt had any more grudges agaisnt them or open conflict. That being said I really don't see why I would feel bad for them after they wiped us off the map. Should we pity them right now? I don't think so. They wrecked havoc on the spanish and canadian ground with their devastating MPP this summer. Now they are enjoying what they did to others. Another fact should be that they taunted the spaniard to attack, thinking that they MPP would protect them, little did they know at this time that Phoenix would fight agaisnt them and show little support in the beginning. But I don't think that it's this bad for them. It will help them become stronger and develop better institution like their military wich needed a good reform. Overall being occupied really did improve Canada, I think that the same could be said about other country.


They got erased by croatia not so long ago and are back on the map already. Why did this all happened in the first place? During a coordinated attack with hungary they tried to take some dmg away by opening a diversionnary fight, allowing hungary to have a better chance at northwest croatia and slavonia. But after that they reeped what they sought and got wiped because of this stupid action of theirs. I have absolutely no pity for them. Some said that they felt that it was outrageous that such a big country like croatia would just crush a small country like slovenia. Well I think not, If you want to play the game with the big guys and start to attack on some original region you have to be ready to pay the price. We'll have to see if they learned anything from that experience.


Among all of the above it has got to be the one where I feel a little bit of pity, just a little bit tought not too much. People we're asking but why germany? They never did anyting to anyone!!! Well that's sad but when you join an alliance if it's in a war with another alliance, it means that EVERYONE is at war. Yes it was sad to lose germany, I know quite a few good people that came from there. But let's be realistic they chose to be on the other team, wich means that they are going to fight with Phoenix in different battle agaisnt Eden, unless there is a peace and love club in Pheonix that I'm not aware. So basicly after this they will have to accept the consequence as well as the benefit of being in an aggressive alliance (I'm not saying that Eden is only a defensive alliance either).

Look at country like Austria, Ireland or Malaysia, if you truly are loyal to the principle of neutrality when a big invader comes in to your territory, you will normally get support from both side. A prime example of this is when Austria got invaded by hungary to have an access to western europe. Peace and Eden forces we're battling side by side agaisnt Hungary. That theory is not always true, it has it's flaws but most of the time it works great.

That's my toughts on how this world is going, no one is good or bad in the end, You just need to do what's right for your country in the long run. And it's also reflecting in doing what's good for your alliance as a strong relation with your allies is the true path to be succesfull. In this world you can't do much without your friends having your back. If they are neglected your friendship will fade away in time, just as the security of your country will end up being on a freefall with the loss of true friends. Trust is what we have, and in many case it's a one shot deal only.

La traduction en Français devrait suivre éventuellement, mais je suis fichetrement fatigué alors on verra 😉.

Chucky Norris
Former MoFA of Canada (current MoD)