Chinese Story/中文訴說

Day 2,486, 10:45 Published in Australia Australia by Saiwun
Disclaimer: Do not be dishonoured by my opinions, they are mine to hold, respect them and feel free to offer your own! Sorry for no Chinese version 🙁

As many of you would have seen, this last term saw the assault on China by Chile, and to a lesser extent, FYROM/MKD and Bulgaria. The peacetimes of Atracurium are over, and it was time for the next generation to defend China. But, who was this exactly, who was the one who defended the infamous eCN, who defeated Aurora? Was it their CP? Was it the people, or was it somebody working in the shadows.

The MUs of China spent millions of CC on COs to stop Chile landing. Foremost, HKGolden. Throughout the assault, including the days running up to it, I saw no government plan to stop Chile. China, Asteria, and LETO had known for a long while what Aurora planned, long enough for a plan of action to be put into place. But did we see this? No. There was no communications from the Chinese CP to inform allied nations of what was needed. All we saw was Hell breaking loose and the Chinese MUs putting up incredible COs in order to evade the attack. Kris Tine spend hours working COs, ensuring Chile would fail. It was the people of China who protected organised the fight, not the government.

The 'step down' of Atracurium was a shock to the Chinese system, and it was clear that the next CP would have a hard act to follow. By a landslide, VLKR won. From the outside, looking in on eCN, he seemed very quiet, and did not share his voice on the international stage. Admittedly, from my perspective, we didn't communicate much with the Chinese government last term. Yes, we are a small country, but we are an ally. For months, China and Australia have been allies, and yes we did communicate with them for some reasons this month, but we say little progress, being told that our situation had been referred to congress, then, after waiting, and asking again, we were asked to wait until other parties were involved. Yes, they were formal, and friendly; but productive?

Now its time for congress. Its clear to see the the Chinese congress isn't exactly united. or under government control. We saw VLKR propose Croatia as NE, an act that receive nearly no support from congress. Most Chinese players would refute to attack Croatia, as brotherly bonds still remain from EDEN. Surely he must have known that this was a bad choice, and would weaken his power over his congress? Yes, Croatia attacked China months ago, but many Croatians refused to fight, with China going on the offensive, Croatians would fight, but the Chinese would not. As well as this, a Croatian MU had just won hundreds of thousands of gold that could be used for COs from the recent tournament. There was no foresight or planning into this move, so why did he push the button?

As an outsider looking in, it seems that VLKR was inactive in his duties this term and did not do all he could to protect his country. Kris Tine spent hours of her time to protect China, and went above and beyond the call of duty. Why then, did the CP personally attack her? He complains about the control she has over congress? He publicly goes against her, despite her defence of the country? Just because laws don't get voted in your favour isn't their fault, the problem lies in not knowing what the people want.
A president serves the people, if he doesn't know what they want, how can he lead?

As for activity on IRC, I never saw VLKR in any Asteria/LETO meeting. I know he idles on IRC, but not even in #eCN? As far as I saw, he never represented China at any meeting, HQ had to speak with others in eCN to understand what was going on.

FYROM was one of the nations that threatened China’s security, and their only regions from which to launch an AS we situated in Australia’s core regions. He never contacted us to see if it would be possible to eliminate FYROM from Oceania, a move that would have benefited both us, and China. In fact, the only contact we saw from VLKR to fight Aurora/Sirius, was talks with the Colombians, which was a foolish, and unthought out plan.

To summarise, VLKR was inactive last term and did not properly take care of his duties. He was unable to defend his country himself, and left it down to others. He could not control his congress, made ill-thought-out decisions and was foolish, not knowing the needs of the people!

Respectfully yours,
