Canadian Paradox switches leaders

Day 87, 12:17 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

Just minutes ago, president of far-left CPP, Prussian King, stepped down from office. In his statementm Mr. King appointed Faltnor as the successor to the top office position. What does this mean? For one, a blow to the CPP which lost a highly experienced leader and role-model for party-members.
Mr. King was heard saying, " will be able to do what could not and get the CPP as the dominant political force."

On the bright side, change my be good and this kind of change to a younger candidate might yield a breath of fresh air to the rustic politcal scene of Canadian politcs. Let us hope that this is for the Good of not only CPP but also Canada.

In other news

The Canadian Mint announced its availability to Canadian citizens, and it is encouraged to only loan and borrow from this Canadian bank.