Canadian Heroes - Coda

Day 1,067, 12:30 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

I kinda missed posting something in my newspaper and I felt that I had to bring it back one way or another so I decided to start a mini-series of interviews with the people I think marked the history of this country. For my first guest I selected our fierce general trying to make a comparison between real life and erepublik between Coda the General and Coda the designer. The interview had it's ups and downs for me as for her, as we looked back into our history we found ourselves lost between old friends and hilarious memories. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did!

nea_milosu: So Coda, thanks for agreeing to respond to a few questions. I will get right down to business. I remember when I first came to Canada that you where one of the first to welcome me here, that was about 2 years ago, how long have you actually been with this game?

Coda: Well been playing erepublik since BETA. I celebrated my 2 year anniversary September 16th.

nea_milosu: That's a long time to spend in these game, what drives you after more then 2 years, what keeps you in this game?

Coda: The Canadian Armed Forces. I love the people in the CAF and all the great moments the CAF has had. I keep playing because I have a lot of respect and pride in eCanada's national army. I've made a lot of friends all over the world because of eCanada and the CAF.

nea_milosu: You mentioned the Canadian Armed Forces, you've been it's General for what seems forever to a new player, do you remember how and when you got promoted to the rank of General?

Coda: I was promoted to rank of General when Bruck decided to make a run for presidency. I have been a General of the CAF ever since. Bruck was the previous General.

nea_milosu: That is indeed a long time, you probably made a lot of friends during this time, many of them are probably not with us anymore, anyone that truly mark your existence, someone that you will in one way or another will mark your life for ever?

Coda: I have a few people, is it ok to list them all?

nea_milosu: Of course!

Coda: Number one would be Marius "Scott" Coroleone. Before he passed away Scott and I became very close friends. We would talk most mornings, and even on days when he really wasn't feeling well. I still get emails from some of his friends occasionally. I actually miss him very much. It's still hard to talk about him because it's such a difficult situation. I miss him as both an eccentric erepublik player and as a friend.

Adam Sutler definitely influenced me when it has come to in game motives and how to play erepublik. Now I wouldn't put him at the level of where I stop myself and think "what would Adam Sutler do?" but I try my best to follow his leadership style on erepublik. Also his inviting nature is something that I have strived to achieve as well and insert this mentality into the CAF.

Gaidal Cain and JT Vanguard have been instrumental players in erepublik history and they are probably the least known for it. Gaidal Cain with his intense erepublik strategy, and JT Vanguard with his incredible ability of wanting to help others. eCanada should be very proud of these individuals because they have done a lot for the reputation of eCanada on a global scale.

I also can't forget the entire CAF High Command. They are the people I talk to every day and I can honestly say it breaks my heart whenever one of them leaves or has a hard time. Erepublik is certainly an amazing place to make connections with people otherwise you would know nothing about.
Also the eUSA military. I've only known them for a few months but I feel a very special bond towards the other female military leaders. It's nice having that bond even though we're not in the same military. eUSA and eCanada have always had very closely tied armies. I was told recently by a political leader from the eUSA that our armies are tied closer than our governments. There that's it! Sorry its such a long answer. There's so many people

nea_milosu: It's a good answer 🙂

Coda: Thanks. I cried a little thinking about Scott.

nea_milosu: That is a great answer and I am sure we all miss Scott, he was a hero for this community and he set an example that should be followed by us all, he was a dediacted and passioned soldier as well as a hard-working officer of the CAF and I am glad I had the chance to call him friend. A little sadden buy moving forward, you obviously meet a lot of people through erepublik and you probably had your share of experience can you make a top 3 funny moments of erepublik for us?

Coda: Well, one of the funniest moments the CAF ever had was back when John Wilkmot was General. He originally created the elite unit for the purpose of sending us away on missions where other countries would pay for us. This was a way to use the military to get some more money for eCanada. Well one of our missions was a battle between eEstonia, and eLithuania. eEstonia was an ally of eCanada but eLithuania purchased the elite unit. John
Wilkmot ordered the regulars to fight for eEstonia and the elites to fight for eLithuania. It was a close fight and pretty much the most ridiculous battle I have ever seen.

Back in the day you were lucky if there was one war a week. When there was downtime during wars JT Vanguard and I would travel around to different countries hoping to collect as many resources as we possibly could. One of our most well known trips would be to eTurkey. A small group of us (back then a small group made a BIG difference) managed to crash their monetary market and we made an immense profit while doing so. Once eTurkey had recovered we tried to do it again but we were added to a "black list" and would be fired instantly. It was very difficult for us to find jobs. I was told months later by my friend Starkad that our names had been added to this list and that there were people watching us in eTurkey.

My first day as General of the CAF was certainly an eventful one. A certain congress member tried to have me Court Marshalled on my very first day of being General for giving out illegal orders. However I was not the one that gave out the orders and I was never Court Marshalled for it. Thanks Petz for trying to get me Court Marshalled 😉.

nea_milosu: That sure is an eventful first day for you! Well I asked you about the funny moments now I have to go ask about the bad times you had in erep, is there anything you would change if you could?

Coda: There have been a lot of bad moments, but I don't think I would change any of them. There have been a few times where I have lost my temper with some people but I've apologized afterwards to those people. I wouldn't change those moments because it would have changed where I am today and I'm happy with where I am.

nea_milosu: Everyone knows that the CAF is your "baby" (if you could call a well-oiled fighting machine that ) but we also know that like any machine it has it's slips, if you could change one thing to the CAF what would it be?

Coda: If I could change one thing it would be recruitment. I wish wait times could be as minimal as possible, as well as that no one would get lost in the system. Since the CAF has been around for so long people get lost as they sign up because someone tells them "this is how you sign up" but it's not always the right way to do it so they get lost in the system because they are not applying properly.

nea_milosu: You are the most well known military figure in eCanada right now but what do you do in real life for a living? Are you a leader there to?

Coda: I'm an award winning Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Photographer. I run my own company spectrum designs (can you include a link to it? I also work 2 other jobs in the meantime. Most of the people that sign unto the IRC regularly have seen my doodle daily blog ( I've also used some of my skills to make various logos, avatars, posters, and banners around erepublik.

nea_milosu: "I'm an award winning Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Photographer." So are you a boss in real life like you are in erepublik or are you the kind of person that usually lays low and listens to others?

Coda: Both. I'm the kind of person to go for what I believe in, or strive to always do my best. But at the same time I'm a great team mate because I will do my best while encouraging the other person and come together on a solution we both can agree with.

nea_milosu: You own your company you have two different jobs and you are also the General of the Canadian Armed Forces, when do you have time for all of these?

Coda: I have no idea. I also volunteer every week. I'm not quite sure how I do it but to me it's just something has to be done.

nea_milosu: Absolutely shocking, I also saw that you are very talented with your work, where do you get your inspiration?

Coda: Thank you! It depends on the work. If it's for a client I get my inspiration by research and finding out what their client base needs. If it's something for my blog or just personal use the inspiration usually just comes from friends, family, or random moments. I'm always thinking of characters for my blog and sometimes that develops into something more which I print out as posters which people can purchase.

nea_milosu: Well I think we are getting to long with this and that people will be bored if we continue, one last question though: What future plans do you have Coda?

Coda: To stay with the CAF and improve eCanada in both an internal level and global level.

nea_milosu: Thank you for your time Coda, it was a pleasure and a real honor for me!

Coda: You are welcomed!

nea_milosu: Goodbye!

Coda: Goodbye!

Foot note: I really like that Coda opened up for this interview, I saw her sad when talking about Marius, I saw her happy when she shared some other moments. I saw that she is caring, honest, hard working and in general one of the best persons you could spend your time with.

Thank you Coda!

o7 Mon Generale!