Buying Gold... Not That Bad???

Day 3,112, 13:06 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

If you are like me moderately broke... in a first world sense then you do have money to blow on stupid bullshit, but not that much.

Its reasonable that you don't want to fork out at best $0.39/gold. Assuming you buy the best value gold package.

But you can now get gold for the low low price of only $0.12/gold as long as you take it in daily increments over a month. The lowest package 1 gold a day is about $3.50.

From experience of trying out a few free to play games this is the fairest and most reasonable offer I have yet come across.

Plus Loyalty

Your monthly subscription like can contribute towards loyalty which will give you even more gold in the future.

In a game that is about ruthless efficiency I hope this serves as efficiency porn for you freaks