Burden Tax

Day 2,118, 03:11 Published in Malaysia Thailand by SoharaSama

Hello citizen of eMalaysia,

First of all, pardon me for not putting any picture because of CRSF attack (which I don't know what is it). Well, I want to talk about the taxes in eMalaysia. As you can see, our neighbours, ePakistan & eThailand's (more to conqueror), taxes are lower than us. Why? Our work tax is 10% ! The citizen could not even save money for their saving especially newbies. Here are the consequences:

No money -> No food
No food -> No war
No war -> No achievement (except hard working & Super soldiers medals)
No achievement -> bored
Bored -> Play other game/ change citizenship
Change Citizenship -> Suspect of PTO (other country)
Suspect of PTO -> banned
Banned -> create another id
Create another id -> no money (due to work tax)
No money -> No food
No food -> No war
No war -> No achievement (except hard working & Super soldiers medals)
No achievement -> bored
Bored -> Play other game/ change citizenship
Change Citizenship -> Suspect of PTO (other country)
Suspect of PTO -> banned
and so on.....

So, we must lower the taxes so that we can have many players. The government must play by ear whether it's burden or not. Nobody wants to be nobody, they want to be somebody.
