Britians Newest Colonies and France

Day 748, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

Victory over America Day has arrived
A celebration for all nations of Phoenix as America freely give up 6 regions in a bid to invade Japan.

Britain Newest Regions
Rhode Island
New Jersey

wow that was tiring, we just took 6 regions!

Thank you America. These battles were to try and stop the USA attacking Japan and worked for a while, Canada has now attacked and a Resistance war is under way. I am sure the USA will attack in force tomorrow and with 19Alliances (well you can guess who's going to win!)

France and Spain

Spain has attacked France this week, this is the 15th time these two nations have been at way with each other. They just can't get along. As you have all probably read we are now in the phoenix alliance a replacement for PEACE and you will notice that France has not been included the new alliance.

Spain as part of EDEN, their attack as part of revenge for being completely destroyed after WWIII which is fair after losing all of there regions to France. This was when America was almost destroyed and France has some very powerful allies on her side.
Spain has conquered 7 regions of France so far, France has a few MPP's including us, Austria, China, Ukraine, Malaysia, and Brazil, the problem has been that we have been occupied with a war against Sweden and RW the region back to Denmark and Brazil having there war to deal with.
France has now signed an Alliance with Italy if Spain continue there attacks there will be 7 MPP's activated against Spain, i know this will probably not stop the attack but every little helps. I say good luck to France in regaining there regions from Spain, we will follow you when you decide too.

Editorial Girl

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